Our Realm of Blissful Fiction -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Anime Fanfiction

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[05 Nov 2003|04:51pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]

Okay, so I was checking out all the people who were into fanfiction, and I was like, "Dude! There isn't a community that supports fanfiction! That needs to be taken care of!!"

This community will be all about sharing your Anime Fanfiction (there are rules, of course).


1) You can't put a piece of fiction in a non-lj-cut journal entry. If you want to post fiction, do so as a link or in lj-cut form. If not, then the entry will be erased.

2) This is an ANIME fanfiction community. If you're not into Anime, shoo-shoo! Make a community that supports non-anime Fanfiction.

3) I don't know if this comm will catch or not, so...I'll delete it if there aren't maybe...10 or so members by January, 2004.

4) Summarize your fic in the journal entry. For example, if it's a yaoi story about Heero and Duo from Gundam Wing, say so. If it needs warnings, do that. I don't want people going, "God, animefanfiction puts out all these lemons (fics with explicit material) and never even gave a fair warning! My life is scarred!"

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