Anime Add Me! - October 9th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Anime Add Me!

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October 9th, 2011

H-hiya [Oct. 9th, 2011|06:04 pm]
[Current Mood |nervous]
[Current Music |Ayaka Saitou-Doki doki waku waku]

Hi all! You can call me Meeks. I'm new and I'm socially awkward but I hope to meet new people and make friends. >///<

Anime I've seen/like: OHSHC, FMA, Code Geass R2, Blood+, Avatar: The last airbender, some of Hayao Miyazaki's films, Zatch Bell, Death Note.

Manga I read/like: Calling You, W juliet, High school debut, Alive: The final evolution, After school nightmare,My girlfriend's a geek

I'm open to recs & if you'd like to talk anime/manga, PM me if you have aim and I'll try to get on.
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