Anime Add Me! - November 25th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Anime Add Me!

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November 25th, 2009

Hi! [Nov. 25th, 2009|07:43 pm]
[Current Location |mental ward #23]
[Current Mood | cheerful]


I'm XxIrisxX or Rika, whichever you prefer.

[info]meganekko suggested this asylum...and I'm really thankful to her. ^_^

This is actually my very first time in IJ. I also happen to have accounts in LJ and Needless to say, that I'm a MAJOR anime/manga fan and if it happens to be FMA, then beware of a superexcited teen who'll be just dying to squeal! XD I really am looking forward to have great friends. Awsome friends who'll be insane enough to put up with me...and LOTS of them, as well!

So, feel free to add me and let me add you too...if you have no such prejudices what so ever. Also, if you happen to have any questions, anything at all, you are most welcome to ask. ^_^

Thanks you~

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