Anime Add Me! - February 12th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Anime Add Me!

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February 12th, 2008

Where's my dollar? [Feb. 12th, 2008|08:59 pm]
[Current Mood | cheerful]
[Current Music |5050 - Jungle P]

Hey! I only joined InsaneJournal for one of my friends, but I figured since I'm here I might as well meet other people too, right?

So, my name's Sam. I'm currently a Japanese major at University, um...I'm kind of a faux gamer and I don't watch a huge variety of anime, but the stuff I do watch, I'm really into. I love Japanese music and actually, I kind of listen to everything...not a lot of metal though. (And by not a lot I mean not at all.) Ah, what else...I'm a sailor? I LOVE adventure... And I like to sing and I'm really big on voice acting! (Mostly in English though!) My journal is kind of crazy...but it's just full of D: I have a hard time describing it.

Uh, so my favorites:
I didn't know how long these would be... )
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