January 12th, 2008

[info]mercurychaos in [info]animanga_addme

Hello there~

Joined a while ago and am finally getting around to saying hello. I'm Mercury Chaos, went by this same username back on LJ, but now I'm here and thus far loving it.

I tend to like a lot of shounen manga. The manga/anime that I follow (or used to follow) are, in the order I discovered them: Hellsing (mostly the manga), Naruto, Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, and D. Gray Man. My current favorite (and the one I've done the most fannish things for) is Naruto. I've got lots of fanart on my deviantArt account (varying degrees of quality; some of the old stuff's kind of scary.) I've cosplayed two of my favorite chacaters: Jan Valentine from Hellsing and Hyuuga Neji from Naruto. I used to do some Naruto RPing as Neji and Kimimaro; I'd like to get back into it someday but haven't found any games that I like. I'm also the (currently only) moderator at [info]naruto_asylum and we are in need of some activity; if anyone has fanworks to post (or even some fic recs), come over and post them. :D

My IJ is used for mostly IRL stuff (things that I feel are funny or worth remembering) as well as some fandom stuff here and there. I'm currently studying abroad for a year in Vienna, Austria, so you may also come across some random German words.

August 2010

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