January 8th, 2008

[info]gesichtlos in [info]animanga_addme


I just joined this and decided to post.

My favorite fandoms are Monster, 20th Century Boys, AKIRA, Death Note, Sakigake!! Cromatie High, Naruto, and Hellsing. I also like Full Metal Alchemist, Saiyuki, Black Lagoon, and El Hazard.

My favorite characters from each are: Tenma, Grimmer, Lunge; Friend, Sadakiyo, Kanna; Tetsuo; Light, Mello, Ryuk; Hayashida, Kamiyama, Maeda; Iruka, Itachi; Alucard, The Major, Schrödinger, Seras; Roy, Armstrong; Goku, Gojyo; Revy, Rock; Jinnai.

It's not really that important to me, except occasionally to make people sad, but my favorite pairings are Grimmer x Tenma, Grimmer x Steiner, Sadakiyo x Friend, Kyoko (20th CB) x anyone/thing, annnnnd Grimmer x Mello just because. It's better when it makes no sense. :P

What I do in the fandom is basically draw shit and make icons. Although it's more about drawing with me. And I do post things in my journal pertaining to those occasionally.
So yeah, my journal content is generally... I post about my day? Other times I post drawings or new icons, stuff like that... And this one time? I posted a fan fic. It was terrible. :P

[info]emilie_burns in [info]animanga_addme

Hi, I'm Zanne (and although I'm in the Slayers fandom, no, I'm not the fanartist Zanne. Only fandom I was ever in where somebody else had the same name as me. o_O) I do do fanart, but not that much, and I'm primarily a ficcer. I do game, but usually only in smaller private games or [info]the_nexus_rpg.

Favorite fandoms, plus characters and pairings )

As far as what my normal journal has... it varies. Depending on my mood, energy level, what may or may not be pissing me off or amusing the hell out of me, so on and so forth. Not much lately because I've been sick or stressed out or both the last few months, and my ficcing's suffered for it too. A lot of my fanworks you can find at [info]chaotic_library, and you can find in the userinfo a more extensive list of fandoms and likes at [info]plotbunnyattack.

[info]eumenides in [info]animanga_addme

Hello! I go by Eumenides these days on the 'net. My journal is mainly fandom-related. I write fan fiction when I have time, so you'll usually find that in my journal along with fandom-related rambling, the occasional icon post, and posts about the miscellaneous things going on with me. No earth-shattering secrets, though.

As far as the fandoms that I'm involved with, there is a list of just about everything over here, but I'll mention the main ones I'm involved in now:

main loves )

If we have some interests in common, feel free to add me.

August 2010

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