Lets steal a law firm

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Monday, February 18th, 2013
10:00 pm - Client meeting

Sophie was sitting in Leverage headquarters with the rest of the team waiting for Hardison to run the briefing on their newest job. She'd met their newest client with Nate a few hours earlier. She looked over what Hardison had up on the screens. "So we're going up against a law firm?" She asked Hardison as she glanced around the room for a second as she sipped her drink.

Nate looked at Hardison. "Okay run it." Nate sipped his drink,while the rest of the team watched as Hardison ran his slide show on their latest target. Their latest target was a law firm called Wolfram and Hart.

"This is Wolfram & Hart, the kinda lawyers that give other lawyers the willies. Famous for their unscrupulous choice in cliental they will defend anybody, who can pay for it." Hardison said, "And I mean anybody, serial baby killers back out on the street cause of loop holes on loop holes and out right bribery. Men like this:" Harison clicked the next slid.

"Corbin Fries, kidnapper, pimp... scum of the earth... walked in the end thanks to legal wrangling with the judge. Smooth stuff... smooth... and as far as I can tell the legal branch is hardly the beginning or the end of this place. They suck up the city of Los Angelus' power grid like no body's business... and nobody says anything, they are working with every fringe element in existence, terrorists, cults, illegal body parts trade and must have at lest half the police force in their pockets if they are getting away with it... these guys are well funded professionals." Hardison tried to press the scariness of it.

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Tuesday, August 14th, 2012
4:05 pm - Getting Used to the Job

Wesley still wasn't used to the idea of having to work at Wolfram & Hart now. Some days he wondered just what in the hell he had been thinking when he agreed to work at this place. Looking back, he would blame a lot of it on the fact that they had just defeated a god and realized that they had likely destroyed the world's one real chance at world peace, even with the giving up of their personal freedom. A lot of people would be willing to do just that, especially with how Jasmine made them feel.

Still, right now he was trying to simply focus on work. He worked in the research department, and it helped a lot that his own work made it so that he didn't deal much with clients of the firm. Some of them were alright, but some of them were the core of pure evil. He had no idea how Angel dealt with those types of people everyday without throwing them throw a window. Wesley couldn't do it. At least he knew that much about himself.

Right now he was flipping through a book, trying to figure out a particular problem that Angel had given him. Some client had been cursed in all business dealings, and now they were trying to figure out the particular curse, how to reverse it, and who the hell had done it.

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