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FIC: Nocturnal Landscaping - B/A Fluff - Rated R [Sep. 2nd, 2007|09:58 pm]

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[Current Mood | mellow]

TITLE: Nocturnal Landscaping
AUTHOR: Ducks, [info]theantijoss
DISCLAIMER: *arches an eyebrow at you*
RATING: R for sexual activity.
PAIRING: B/A, duh!
TIMELINE: A post-baking future, where Joss’ issues crush NO ONE’S HAPPINESS!
SYNOPSIS: One thing Angel misses about daytime life is watching things grow and bloom. Buffy decides to do something about that. Then they have sex. In the rain. *G*
DISTRIBUTION: Please ask. Chances are good that I'll say yes. :)
FEEDBACK: That would be awesome, thank you!
DEDICATION: To Lee ([info]southernbangel), who asked for it! And to [info]darkrhiannon, [info]ladymackenzie, [info]tkp, and [info]romanyg for their birthday yesterday! *smooches all around*

Many thanks to [info]ljgould for the beta!

Prompts: rain boots, mention of HGTV, cupcake

"Nocturnal Landscaping”
by Ducks

( Follow the fake cut to the fluff. *G )
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