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[Sep. 20th, 2013|11:15 pm]

“I’d noticed that. Seeing as how I haven’t died yet,” Ryouma said coldly.

“Good job. Keep it up.” Kakashi patted him once on the bare shoulder and moved back to Katsuko, who still had bleeding wounds and what appeared to be a slight case of the giggles. She squirmed as he inspected a half-dozen scattered wounds that were mostly clotted and packed with grit. She’d picked up more bandages since the last time he’d seen her, notably around her right arm, which was wrapped from elbow to shoulder, obscuring her ANBU tattoo. Ryouma had his own new bandages, too, and likely his own cuts beneath the tent.

Not for the first time, Kakashi wished Rin was here. She would do this so much better.

One of Katsuko’s clones wasn’t nearly as good, but it still stepped forward with two hands and the ability to help. With its assistance, Kakashi managed to get everything cleaned and bandaged, and even swiped the blood off Katsuko’s face, to make her less of an obvious target.

By the time he was done, both she and Ryouma were heavy-lidded and slumped together, but they looked marginally less terrible.

Katsuko raised her head blearily. “Your arm?”

Kakashi glanced down at the deadweight of his right arm, still hanging at his side. He’d adjusted for it now. “Contact poison. It’s getting better.” He could almost feel his fingers, he thought. Or at least the tingling prickle that suggested they might reconnect soon. “Big demon’s stinger kind of… leaked when I took it off.”

Ryouma blinked once, slowly. “Took me about an hour to get feeling back in my shoulder. How much did you get?”

Kakashi thought back to the stinger-bulb rupturing, and the weirdly warm splash of a small keg’s worth of venom, before his arm had dropped off the sensory map. “All of it, I think.”

“Oh.” Ryouma squinted at him. “Wow. You're lucky she only got your arm. Or—is that successful dodging, or not?” He winced, fumbled, and dragged a hand out of the tent, pressing the heel of his palm to the side of his head. “I told you only half a dose.”

“Try to enjoy the buzz,” Kakashi suggested, ignoring the other questions for everyone’s mental health. He pulled the tent more firmly around the narcotic twins, and turned back to Genma and Raidou. “I think we’re done here.”
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