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[Sep. 20th, 2013|10:38 pm]

Ten minutes came and went without any sign of ruffled grey hair or a light brown ponytail, and Raidou lost patience.

“Screw it,” he said, starting for the tunnel entrance.

Katsuko’s back went rigid. “Taichou,” she said urgently.

Her sensing abilities were stronger than his. “What is it?”

Instead of answering, she simply stepped aside a half-second before a lean, blood-splattered body came hurtling up out of the tunnel. Kakashi skidded to a halt, almost sliding down on one knee, and turned. There was a body strapped to his back, and another cradled in his arms. Neither of them was Genma.

And Kakashi wasn’t breathing.

Not Kakashi, Raidou realized. A clone: one that wasn’t bothering to waste chakra on looking too real.

“Found the civilians,” it said.

A filth-smeared young girl who looked—pregnant? And a man with shocked-hollow eyes and tear tracks streaked down his cheeks. Ryouma stepped quickly forward, unbinding the man’s blanched-white hands, freeing his knees, and easing him carefully down from the clone’s back. Katsuko took the little girl, cradling her with gentle arms.

“This is all?” Raidou said, heart sinking.

“There were eight others, but they were too far gone,” the clone said, emotional as a plank. “We couldn’t save them.”

“Taichou,” Katsuko said again, with blank horror in her voice.

Raidou’s attention snapped to her, and then down to her gloved hand, which was curled over the little girl’s belly. Something beneath the girl’s ragged dress was moving, squirming slowly under Katsuko’s fingers.

“The hell is that?” Raidou demanded.

“There’s something here, too,” Ryouma said, easing the man’s shirt up to show a bulging lump sticking out just below an appendectomy-sized cut, recently scabbed. “This one’s not moving.”

“Egg,” whispered the man numbly.

“The demons have been laying young in them,” Kakashi’s clone said. “They hatch, get bigger, eat their way out.”

The girl whimpered very softly.

“Shh,” Katsuko said, smoothing sweat-dark strands of hair back from the girl’s forehead. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”

“We’ve got a medic,” Ryouma said, with the careful steadiness of a man under high stress. “We’ll get it out.” He glanced over his shoulder, at the mouth of the cave. “They should be coming...”

“There was an ambush,” Kakashi’s clone said. “Tanuki was taken. Hound went to get him back.”
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