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[Sep. 7th, 2013|02:19 am]

“I wasn’t aware there was a point system,” Rin said, which was a lie. There was always a point system. She waited until he’d made the spinach disappear behind his mask to ask, “Why would Minato-sensei put Tousaki on your team?”

"Because he's always secretly hated me and now he's found his moment to strike," Kakashi said darkly.

“If Minato-sensei really hated you, he’d fine you for every minute you were late to anything,” Rin said, and started in on the miso-eggplant. “Does Tousaki still want to punch you for copying jutsu?”

“I—” Kakashi started, then paused. “Well, he hasn’t punched me again. But he’s so annoying.”

Rin popped another piece of eggplant into her mouth, enjoying Kakashi’s aggravation. “What did he do?”

"Told me good luck just before I took the oath," Kakashi started with, like it was damning evidence. "Won't share his jutsu. Talks all the time about everything, but he doesn't take anything seriously. And he keeps flirting with me.”

Because she was a highly trained shinobi, Rin didn’t even let her expression change. “Is he attractive, at least?”

"Rin," Kakashi said. "Can you stay on topic? He's ruining my life."

After this, Rin was going to exercise her privilege as the hospital’s lead surgeon and pull up every single file they had on Tousaki Ryouma. “So he’s very attractive,” she said, pleased when Kakashi’s exasperated look intensified. “He’s trying to make friends with you, Kakashi. Have you tried talking back?”

Kakashi groaned. "You sound like the captain. Don't step on a boundary, just use words."

“He told you that?”

“Or something roughly similar,” Kakashi said, dismissive. It was clear he thought the issue lay with the rest of the team and not himself. Given the way he kept everyone but Naruto, Minato-sensei, and Rin at arm’s length, it wasn’t hard to understand why. Rin made a note to pull the rest of ANBU Team Six’s files up, as well. Minato-sensei’s judgement was sound, but it never hurt to double-check.

“Namiashi seems like a sensible man,” Rin allowed. She took another sip of wine. “Does the rest of the team have issues with boundaries, then? Besides Tousaki.”

Kakashi propped his chin on his hand. “Ueno asked me to address her as ‘Your Luminescence’.”

“Ah,” Rin said, and put her glass down. Maybe Minato-sensei had cracked under the stress of raising a child and running the village at the same time. Maybe he actually had an explanation for assigning Kakashi to a team designed to push all his buttons at once. “And did you?”


Rin narrowed her eyes at him. “Anything else you want to tell me about your first day?”

“No?” he said, startled. Then he amended, “Well, I don’t actually recommend the tattooing.”

“Funny you should mention that,” Rin said, and smiled. “Because I heard from someone that you fainted.”
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