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[Sep. 7th, 2013|02:09 am]

The elevator screeched as it came to a halt. They wrestled the gates open, and stepped through.

The Cellar wasn’t like any of Konoha’s other restaurants. It wasn’t pretty, it didn’t cater to civilians. The walls were grey slab-rock. The floor was poured cement, scratched and battered from years of use. There were no romantic lamps; fluorescent strip-lighting hung from the ceiling, banishing shadows. There were no windows, either. The tables were made from heavy dark wood, and bolted to the floor. The three waiters had lethally restrained chakra signatures and, between them, nine limbs.

There were maybe a dozen ninja scattered about the room, most of them alone, all of them scarred and quiet, entirely focused on their food.

Kakashi and Rin were the youngest people here.

“Hatake, Nohara,” said the first waiter to reach them, a grizzled older man with a steel-shod peg where his left leg should have been, and three fingers missing from his right hand. “Corner table?”

“Thank you, Mahito-san,” said Rin politely.

Mahito settled them next to the open kitchen, where they had an easy view of the food being prepared. “The usual?” he asked.

Kakashi traded a glance with Rin.

“Can I get a glass of wine, too?” she said, the way injured people said I need air.

“Of course,” said Mahito, and raised his eyebrows at Kakashi.

“Water’s fine,” said Kakashi.

Despite the false leg, Mahito still managed to sweep gracefully away. Rin watched him go, mouth curving, then turned her attention on Kakashi like a scalpel. She settled in her chair, steepled her fingers, and lifted one meaningful eyebrow. “So.”

Kakashi propped his chin on one hand, amused. “Where’d you want me to start?”
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