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[Jul. 7th, 2013|11:30 pm]

"Mm," Ryouma said.

That was probably the first coherent noise he'd made in minutes. He had a vague feeling that he ought to say more—you generally complimented your partner, or at least the ones you weren't planning to immediately kick out of bed. Raidou was far too warm and solid and comforting to kick out of bed, and Ryouma was too boneless and wrung out to try.

He hurt, too, though he'd undoubtedly feel it more in the morning. The stings and aches were still skating the nerve-shattering edge of pleasure right now, little rippling aftershocks as Raidou arranged them more comfortably together. Actually moving seemed unimaginable.

It'd been a long time since he'd bottomed, but he wasn't sure anyone had ever used him like that.

Or held him like this.

He could feel Raidou's thumping heartbeat under his cheek, the rise and fall of hard breathing as it slowly began to steady. It was odd, but not entirely unpleasant, to realize that his heartbeat was already in sync.

He could fall asleep like this, he thought. For once, the thought didn't frighten him.

"I haveta leave," he said, slurring a little, with the corner of his mouth flattened against Raidou's chest. "In the morning. Not til then."

Gentle fingers carded through his hair. "Want me to leave before then?"

Yes, he might have said, but he shuddered before his mouth ever found the words, and pressed closer, shoulders curling, scrabbling fingers finding a grip over the curve of muscle-sheathed ribs. "Don't—" he said, and caught himself just in time.

He was tired, that was all, and he'd given up too much of himself to be quite steady yet. He pressed his face against the firm rise of Raidou's pectorals, while Raidou's hand waited, patient, in his hair. After a moment the ache in his throat eased, and he turned his head again.

"You don't have to," he said. "It's late. An' you were a little too good to kick out of bed just yet."

Raidou's quiet laugh rumbled through his chest and into Ryouma's bones. "Good, because I'm not moving until someone makes me." He tapped Ryouma's shoulder. "Come up here."
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