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[Jul. 7th, 2013|10:51 pm]

Raidou was pretty sure he’d already had his birthday last month, and yet.

He bit Ryouma’s throat lightly, barely leaving a mark, and pulled back. Ryouma tried to follow; Raidou caught his jaw with one hand, fingertips brushing the light rasp of stubble, and rubbed his thumb against Ryouma’s lower lip, holding him until he stilled and focused.

“I can do all of that,” Raidou said. “On two conditions. One, you tell me if you change your mind about anything, because I will listen. And two, condoms are non-negotiable. Agreed?”

Ryouma’s dark eyes searched Raidou’s face, pupils all the way blown—then he nodded, voice scraping deep enough that Raidou could feel the rumble of it in his own chest. “Knew I chose right.”

That was pretty clear consent by any measure, but Ryouma followed it up with a turn that pulled Raidou’s thumb into his mouth, bracketed by twin crescents of teeth and a hot tease of tongue. Raidou had never been much a fan of finger sucking, but that did something to him.

He exhaled, slow. “The things you make me want to do to your mouth. Quit teasing, tall guy, and help me out of my shirt.”

Ryouma laughed softly and pulled his other hand free, giving Raidou’s thumb a gentle nip before he let go. “Tell me about ‘em?” He’d already made a start on Raidou’s shirt; he made a swift finish, undoing the buttons and sliding it off Raidou’s shoulders. “You still want that drink?”

Raidou had clean forgotten about the bottle. “Maybe not,” he said. “I’d rather be clear headed. You?”

Ryouma started to drop the shirt, caught Raidou’s eye, and tossed it on the back of a chair instead. His hands went to Raidou’s belt. “Don’t need it.”

“Good answer,” Raidou said, and caught Ryouma’s wrists again before Ryouma could undo the buckle. “I didn’t ask for that.”

One dark eyebrow winged up, and Raidou could see the moment Ryouma decided to test him. The mouth curved, the eyes sparked, and something very subtle shifted in Ryouma’s stance—the bare edge of a tell, because Ryouma wasn’t suicidal enough to startle an unknown ninja in his bedroom.

He broke Raidou’s grip, eel-quick, flicked the belt open, and got his hands on the zipper before Raidou grabbed him, laughing, and shoved him backwards onto the bed.

Ryouma hit and bounced up like a jackrabbit, but Raidou was already there to drop him down again, slipping between long legs and pinning Ryouma down by the shoulders. He leaned over Ryouma, bringing his slightly greater weight to bear. Ryouma gasped and locked his legs around Raidou’s waist, trapping him in place.

“So you do like it rough,” Ryouma said, half-laughing, half-breathless, like that had ever been a question. His hands ran up Raidou’s chest, flirting over muscles and scars, and paused when they reached the left shoulder. Ryouma smirked. “C’mon, ANBU-san. Give me an order.”
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