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Gone to Ground [Jun. 9th, 2013|10:26 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]ueno_katsuko
2013-06-10 05:58 am (UTC)


Katsuko would have given an arm and a few toes to make something happen. A horde of giant eagles could descend on the wall, maybe, or the forest could spontaneously burst into flames.

Anything was better than the silence in her head.

“So, Shiranui,” she said.

The tanuki mask tilted in her direction. “Ueno.”

“You play poker?”


Katsuko passed on making the obvious joke about strip poker. “Me too. Are you right or left-handed?”

“Right for some things. Left for others.” He paused. “Why?”

She couldn’t tell him she was just grasping at straws. “I’m bored,” she said at last. “And I just made up a game where you play poker with your writing hand tied behind your back. Wanna try it out later?”

“We could.” Shiranui relented and turned towards her. There was a hint of a smile in his voice. “So, Yamanaka Susuki. You wouldn’t believe how badly you two broke Aoba’s heart the other night.”

“Oh, awesome,” Katsuko said. Thinking about blondes was much better than thinking about— what she wasn’t thinking about. “Susuki was lovely. I hope Aoba cried a lot.”

Raidou looked at them both. “What context did I miss?”

“I’m a grown woman, captain,” Katsuko said, deadpan. “I have needs.”

Shiranui was very carefully not laughing out loud. “I told you we met at a blossom viewing party.”

Funny was good. She was doing funny rather well. Everything was fine. Katsuko wet her lips, concentrated only on taking her next breath. “There was alcohol and beautiful women, too.”

Shiranui sniffed, as if offended. “And beautiful men. Don’t forget the beautiful men.”

“I’m going to assume that was Aoba,” Raidou said. He shifted casually, shoulder brushing against hers. His chakra nudged her, radiating calm as steady and solid as a pillar.

She couldn’t let Raidou know, not right now. She’d have to tell him about it, she’d have to— his face would be hidden behind the mask, but she—

She couldn’t.

“I’m sure everybody at that party was very pretty, lieutenant,” she told Genma placatingly. “You and Aoba included.”

“You just weren’t looking at me or Aoba, I’m guessing.” All of Shiranui’s attention was fixed on her, now. “You want some tea? It’s getting warm. I’d about kill for a smoke and a cup of tea, if the captain will give us leave to take a five.”

Katsuko let out a breath. On her other side, Raidou’s watchful presence didn’t waver. She bit her lip until she felt a sharp sting, using the pain to center herself as copper flooded her mouth. “I’m fine, lieutenant,” she said, and crushed the curl of panic in her chest down to something manageable, something small and numb she wouldn’t have to worry about. “Sorry. No more distractions, I promise.”