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[Jun. 10th, 2013|05:54 am]

Genma’d recognized Katsuko the minute she’d appeared: her chakra, bright as burning magnesium, was unmistakable. But now he had a sudden, clear memory of the kunoichi he’d found in the park egging on a civilian fight barely a week ago. Her enthusiasm for a gory description of Kakashi’s jutsu made the hairs on the back of his neck rise. She was dangerous in a way most ninja he’d worked with weren’t. Unstable, he thought.

What had Raidou said about her? Big chakra, big attitude, and she’d grope you to say hello?

But she was also deeply rattled by the news that Orochimaru might be behind the attack. Or she had been. She seemed to have settled down now, her focus flitting onward. Maybe that’s why Raidou hadn’t reacted when her chakra flared. He knew her better, certainly.

Genma’s own focus was still fractured as he scanned the area, but Raidou seemed comfortable continuing to engage with Katsuko. “Raikiri, I think?” he said. “There was a lot of electricity and screaming. I'm not real certain on the difference.”

“Excellent,” Katsuko said. After a moment she added, “Glad to see you’re okay.”

“You had doubts?” Raidou said. He stepped forward, shoulder to shoulder with Genma, and leaned on the lip of the outer wall, surveying the horizon. There was no swell in Raidou’s chakra—he probably wasn’t much of a sensor. Why waste chakra when it wasn’t going to help? With this many chakra presences packed so tightly in, a short distance sweep was useless.

Genma turned his attention back outward, too, but once again, there was nothing out of the ordinary astir. Katsuko’s chakra nearer by still felt roughed up, like coarse fur swept the wrong way. And almost unbearably hot. She looked fine, but with the rat mask hiding her face, and her posture ninja-perfect, there was no telling what was going on inside her head.
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