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[Jun. 10th, 2013|05:19 am]

Minato put a hand on Kakashi’s shoulder, called up a golden landslide of chakra, and took them through the skin of the world. The distance was much longer this time, sixty miles instead of barely two, but Minato managed it in the space between heartbeats, carrying them gently through the howling void and into the heart of the Hokage’s tower.

They landed on carpet, Ryouma held between the Uchiha and Namiashi, Shiranui alone, Sagara with the charred corpse at her feet, and Kakashi at Minato’s side.

By the door, two masked guards twitched to attention.

Sagara pointed at one of them and indicated the corpse. “Take this to Intel. For Oita Gennosuke’s eyes only,” she said, naming Intel’s commander.

The guard stepped forward, touched the body, and vanished with it.

“Iori-sensei, you have Tousaki in hand?”

The Hyuuga nodded, her hand glowing green again on Ryouma’s shoulder. He swallowed hard, but managed not to bleed or throw up.

“Hospital, then,” Sagara ordered. “Namiashi, you and Shiranui with me. I want your full reports. And—Hatake, what’s wrong?”

Minato’s tightening grip stopped Kakashi from dropping into the crouch he wanted to, when the world did a melting spin sideways. The dull burning in his arm was—less dull, suddenly, throbbing up to his shoulder.

“My mouth’s gone numb,” he said.

Minato glanced over and barked, “Shiranui!”

The Tanuki-masked ANBU must have been waiting to spring, because he was there in less than a second, competent, gloved hands catching Kakashi’s right arm at the wrist and elbow—then at the shoulder when Kakashi hissed and jerked his arm free. Shiranui peeled the blood-cracked gauze away, revealing oozing scratches with livid red lines spiralling out around them.

“Do you have any immunity to Oomukade poison?” Shiranui said calmly.

“I thought I did,” Kakashi said, staring at his arm. The words slurred.

“Hospital for both,” Sagara ordered. “Go now.”

“Take charge,” Minato told her crisply. “I’ll be back in five.”

Liquid-light chakra burst out again, grabbing Kakashi, Ryouma, the two ANBU, and Iori, and spinning them away.
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