ANBU Legacy - Lay Your Body Down [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Lay Your Body Down [Apr. 22nd, 2018|01:40 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]hatake_kakashi
2018-04-22 09:03 pm (UTC)


Little bits of Kakashi’s brain fused together, melting into nonsense and holy fuck and a convulsive clench that dug his nails into the palms of his hands. He managed to keep his spine on the ground. Quick, scattered thoughts tumbled by: We should blow the lantern out. Is this too fast, am I being stupid? I really want him to do that again.

His breath shivered out between his teeth. “Did you just try positive reinforcement on me?”

“Did it work?” Ryouma asked smugly. He leaned down and hot, slick warmth wrapped around the head of Kakashi’s cock, followed by light suction, and Kakashi just… stopped having thoughts for a while.

One of Ryouma’s hands anchored on his hip, keeping him steady; the other circled firmly around the base of Kakashi’s cock, adding pressure. Somehow, Kakashi’s hands ended up in Ryouma’s hair. He didn’t yank, he had better manners than that, but he did clench a little harder than necessary.

“Definitely… working,” he managed.

Ryouma darted another glance upwards, meeting Kakashi’s eye with a grin, and took Kakashi deeper. Kakashi groaned, completely involuntary. Ryouma hummed, sending vibrations racing though Kakashi’s skin, and took complete charge with a practiced, certain skill that made the one undistracted part of Kakashi’s mind want to take notes. His tongue was evil. He worked his mouth and hand together, licking and teasing, modulating pressure and heat, occasionally slipping back to play with Kakashi’s balls, which was a little strange and surprisingly nice, before finally devoting himself to sliding his mouth all the way down to the base of Kakashi’s cock, and that was Ryouma’s throat.

Kakashi whined. He didn’t mean to. It just spilled out, voiceless and wanting, as his spine arched and his hips stuttered. A dark, vicious part of him just wanted to fuck Ryouma’s face, knowing Ryouma would like it. The rest of him knew he wasn’t going to last that long. He clenched his hands warningly, hard in Ryouma’s hair, and bit out, “Ryouma—”

Fortunately, Ryouma didn’t require an explanation. The hand against Kakashi’s hip tightened, reassuring, and an ANBU sign pressed into Kakashi’s hipbone: Go.

Kakashi didn’t want to, it was too fast, goddamn Ryouma’s talented mouth, goddamn the tanuki sake, he wanted to stay here a little longer, teetering on the crest where his whole body was golden and melting and so, so good. He bit his lip and held back.

Ryouma's thumb pressed into the soft, sensitive skin at the central juncture between Kakashi's legs, jolting something deep and electric and ascendent, and Kakashi didn't so much fall over the edge as get shoved over.

It was like getting hit with lightning again, in the best possible way. His entire body clenched and surged and unwound all at once, and thought went away entirely.

He came back to himself some unknown amount of time later, sweat-soaked and gasping, little aftershocks still shuddering through him, and thought, wow.

Then he looked down at Ryouma and rasped, "What—?"

Ryouma leaned up over him, wiped his mouth, and grinned. "Perineal node."

Kakashi blinked, gasped a laugh, and whacked Ryouma on the side of the head. "Asshole."