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After the Rhythm and Booze [May. 21st, 2017|05:20 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]shiranui_genma
2017-05-22 02:14 am (UTC)


They got to Kakashi before he managed to get himself snared, singed, or otherwise stuck in any of the remaining traps in RTA One. By the time they’d reached Konoha’s restaurant district, Kakashi even seemed to have recovered some of his good humor, thoughtfully analyzing the design of the pit trap he’d been caught in.

After a brief debate over cuisine that was reminiscent of their quest for food after the club the night before, they settled on yakiniku anyway. It was close enough to steak to satisfy Pakkun, exactly what Ryouma and Genma both wanted, and acceptable for Raidou and, reluctantly, Kakashi.

Raidou and Ryouma manned the tongs, setting thin strips of meat sizzling on the grill. A few raw pieces found their way to Kin and Pakkun — delighting one, and unsatisfactorily ‘not really steak’ for the other.

Genma leaned back and held an ice bag he’d procured from the waitress to his nose and eye. “That was fun,” he said, pleased with the world. “We should do a joint hunter tag exercise with Thirteen sometime.”

Ryouma paused in his mission to slip meat to Kin. “We’d cream them,” he said with a broad grin.

“Usagi’s mean and Ginta’s crafty,” Genma said. “We’d have to work at it.” Which was no bad thing. “But we’d definitely have fun. Or we could go with some other team, maybe the one your friend Hakone is on, since Thirteen is going to be out with injuries for a while.”

“Usagi’s not mean,” protested Raidou. He looked entertained.

“And Hakone’s lieutenant isn’t crafty,” Ryouma put in. He got a thoughtful look on his face, “Sakamoto, though…”

“Would cheat more than the rest of you,” Kakashi said. It wasn’t clear whether he thought that was a character flaw or a mark of skill. He snagged one of the cooked pieces from the grill and made it disappear.

“And have a ball doing it,” Genma agreed.