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[Apr. 8th, 2017|09:53 pm]

Getting ready to go out, when the day was finally done, meant a trip down the Hokage Monument’s face into town, and then up the north hills to get to Aoba’s place. Genma’d signed a lease on a loft apartment near the riverside in Konoha before their last mission, but the place wasn’t even remotely habitable yet. After a quick bowl of leftover rice and curry, Genma showered, and emerged from the steam to find his host unexpectedly home.

“I thought you were going out with Yuko tonight.”

“I was,” Aoba lamented. “And then I got this.” He held up a mission summons with a forlorn expression.

“Night missions are rude,” Genma commiserated. “When do you leave?”

“2130, and I have a briefing beforehand.” Aoba flopped down on the sofa and watched Genma dry his hair. “Yuko said I could make it up to her when I got back, at least.”

“She’s a good sport.”

“I know,” Aoba said, unappeased. “But we had our last date killed because she got a mission summons. It’s like someone in the mission office is trying to come between us.”

“One of her exes?” Genma suggested. “Or yours?”

“Don’t say that, Genma.” Aoba grimaced. “My social life would come to a dead stop if my exes decided to gang up on me like that.”

Genma shrugged, conceding the point. He sorted through the box holding his pants and pulled out a pair of slim-cut dark jeans, tossing it on the arm of the couch. Shirts next. Embers had a dress code, and he wanted to look good. But maybe not too good, since it was his team he’d be going out with. He held up a dark red t-shirt and eyed it critically.

“Going on a date?” Aoba said, deciding to meddle in Genma’s social life since his own was on hold. “Who with? And where? You’re not wearing that, are you?”

“My team, Thirteen, and the women from Intel who were on my last mission.” Genma tossed the red shirt aside and kept looking.

“An orgy? I knew you had it in you, Gen!”

“It’s not an orgy. It’s drinks with my team and a few others.”

“Mmmhmm,” Aoba said. “Orgy. I’m proud of you, Genma.”

Genma threw the shirt he’d just pulled out at Aoba’s face.

“Who from Intel?” Aoba asked, extracting himself from the fabric.

“Yuuhi Kurenai and Uchiha Satomi.”

If Aoba had been drinking, he’d have choked on his beer. “You’re kidding.”

“I’m not kidding,” Genma told him. “I have no idea how it happened, but something involving both women, Tousaki, and Ginta outside the Intel office this afternoon turned into all of us going out to Embers.”

“Embers?” Aoba’s eyebrows climbed past his glasses frames. “Wow, okay… Okay… And your whole team agreed to this? Hatake agreed to this?”

“I watched him do it,” Genma said. He held up a brown shirt with a shimmer woven into the cloth.

Aoba shook his head. “That one’s too big on you. I keep telling you to get rid of it.”

“I like it. It’s comfortable,” Genma defended.

“You’re not going to Embers in your pajamas, Genma.”

Genma sighed and kept looking.

“Wait, I have one you can borrow.” Aoba levered himself up and disappeared into his room for a moment. When he came back, he held a slippery-looking piece of dark green fabric in his hands. “Put this on.”

Genma caught the shirt from Aoba and held it by the shoulders. It was sleeveless and a little iridescent. When he hesitated, Aoba gave him a reproving look. “Have I ever steered you wrong?”
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