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[Feb. 26th, 2017|08:27 pm]

“Can he carry me?” Usagi inquired, studying Ryouma. “He’s so— tall.”

Ryouma blinked.

Raidou rapped out orders. “Tousaki, take Usagi. She’s first priority. Tell Shiranui: acid burns, head injury, fever. I’ve got Abe. Hound, follow us with Sakamoto. Can you—”

“I’ll get Kasumi,” Kakashi said.

“Fine,” Raidou said. “Tousaki, move.”

Ryouma crouched in front of Usagi, offering her his back. She gingerly freed herself from Ginta’s hold, wavered forward and wrapped her arms around Ryouma’s neck. He stood, catching her legs as he rose, and hiked her carefully into place.

“Wow,” Usagi said, craning her neck to look down. “How do you not hit your head on everything?”

Ginta peered up at her, slid a look at Kakashi, and went back to Usagi. “I think you got the better deal.”

“Be funny later,” Raidou said. “There’s a storm coming; our window’s four hours short.”

“Shit,” said Usagi. She tightened her hold on Ryouma and said. “Go, big guy.”

Ryouma went, vanishing straight down the cliff at high speed.

“C’mon, kid,” Raidou told Abe, levering him gently off the ground. “You’re having a hell of a week.”

“Kiri sucks ass,” Abe agreed miserably, and groaned when he landed on Raidou’s back. He wrapped his good arm around Raidou’s neck, catching Raidou’s shirt with a broken-nailed hand. “Don’t bounce me.”

“I’ll try,” Raidou said, and took off after Ryouma.

Ginta fixed Kakashi with an arctic-blue gaze. “Did your mission succeed?”

“We got the sister and the baby,” Kakashi said. “Fukuda’s dead.”

Ginta sharpened up, shedding the last traces of humor like unnecessary clothing. “Which side killed her, theirs or ours?”

“Theirs,” Kakashi said. “Shiranui gave her the mercy cut.”

Ginta’s voice dipped quiet. “Shame. She would have been a good asset.” He leaned forward like he was thinking of standing, but hadn’t gotten the leverage right. “What about your team? Injuries? Pursuit?”

Kakashi summoned a clone to get Kasumi upright, parceling out a big enough wedge of chakra to make it substantial. Then he crouched in front of Ginta. “Nothing significant. We hit a few complications; they’re all dead. Get on.”
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