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[Jan. 15th, 2017|07:29 pm]


If Raidou gave an order, Ryouma didn't hear it.

Naizou Tokasu turned the closest Hunter's soft organs to jelly. Then Ryouma was ducking under the swing of a massive horse-killing sword, lunging up with a palmful of death. One hand tore the man's mask away; the other locked over his face. His thumb sank through the man's cheek, and then through his cheekbone.

Metal clashed and shattered behind him. He dropped the corpse and spun. The lethal straight blade of a yari spear stopped in midair, just short of his eye.

Raidou's hand clenched. The spear shaft snapped. Genma flashed by, a streak of black and steel, to take out the spear-wielder.

Raidou snapped: "There!" He flung out a hand, pointing halfway around the pond to the pair of Hunters with a water jutsu rising between them.

Lightning shattered the air. One of the Hunter-nin snarled but neither went down. The twisting column of water began to take on shape: gaping jaws, malevolent eyes, fangs like arm-length icicles. The water dragon reared back, ready to lunge.

Ryouma bolted beneath its looming breast and slammed his hand into the unprotected throat of the nearest Kiri nin. A knife skittered across his ribs, catching in the wrapped panel of his shirt, but there was no force behind it. The woman was a dead weight on his arm. He ripped his hand out, and her body collapsed. Her masked head rolled away.

Someone screamed, and choked off.

Water spattered him. The Suiton dragon was wavering, high as Kakashi's tree, its features dissolving, the great head bent like a wave about to crash. Genma shouted, from its other side, "Hound, take hold!"

Small in the treetops, Kakashi dropped down on his branch, one arm wrapped around the infant, and curled over her.

The dragon smashed down like a tsunami. Ryouma lost footing, sight, jutsu, breath. The wave tossed him like a dirty rag and bludgeoned him down again. He clutched blindly for support. Something struck him a glancing blow and spun away. He hit something else, hard and immobile, and clung with all the strength he had left.
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