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[Nov. 16th, 2016|09:05 pm]

Kakashi cut him off with a raised hand. “I’m only trying medical jutsu if you want things exploded and lightning-fried.”

“Well, no wonder if you’re going in with that defeatist attitude,” Ryouma said, with the maliciously bright eyes of one who’d thrown himself headlong into medical everything recently and only blown up half of it.

Dangerously, Kakashi licked sharp teeth.

Okay, then.

He crouched down over the closest pig chunk that was large enough to be recognizable, and raided the Sharingan’s archives for one of Rin’s simplest wound-sealing jutsu. Three easy seals and a small blossom of green chakra— at least, that was the intent. In Kakashi’s hands the chakra started green, wavered when a streak of electricity crackled through, and burst apart with a hot flash that charred the meat black.

He sat back on his heels and raised his eyebrows at Ryouma and Genma. “Picture your legs,” he invited.

Ryouma looked briefly taken aback, fingers twitching towards his recently healed knee. Then his expression turned thoughtful. He dropped into an easy squat and poked the smoking lump with a forefinger. Little black specks crumbled away. “That’s your lightning nature interfering? But it shouldn’t twist the jutsu like that, not if you’ve moulded your chakra properly. Have you tried—”

A sharp cough from the sidelines interrupted him. Otani said with frosted politeness: “May we continue, Hatake-san?”

Kakashi interpreted that, correctly, as Experiment in your own goddamned time, I'm on the clock. He flicked her an acknowledging gesture.

Genma was more sanguine. “Team Six office as soon as we’re done here,” he told Kakashi and Ryouma. And then to Kakashi alone: “Don’t exhaust all your chakra on this.”

“I wasn’t planning to,” Kakashi said testily. The jutsu’s incompleteness itched at him, but he wasn’t that stupid.

Genma raised a sardonic eyebrow. He seemed relaxed and unhurried, if you ignored the warning glint in his eyes.

Kakashi said, “Yes, lieutenant.”

Genma smiled and inclined his head at Ryouma. “Come on, Tousaki.”

Straightening up, Ryouma dusted off his knees and looked tickled, as he always did when he got to be the favorite. They beat a languid retreat.

Grouchily, Kakashi turned his attention to the final pig. It was a lean adolescent, with a runty, undersized look about it. A local farmer’s cull, and doubtless one well paid for. It eyed him with dark, squinty eyes and gave an ominous snort.

The Sharingan was ready with Iebara’s seals, stolen in the fragmented moments when he’d ripped blood from Genma and Ryouma, and tried to throttle Kakashi with it. Boar, Dragon, Hare…
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