ANBU Legacy - March 4th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 4th, 2014

Diversionary Tactics [Mar. 4th, 2014|05:43 pm]


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[Takes place the early morning of May 5, Yondaime Year 5, the day after Shoot the Messenger.]

The first morning of team training started cool and misty and, Raidou was gratified to note, promptly. Kakashi was actually early, which made a first.

And… surprisingly enthused.

Raidou leaned his elbows back on the dew-dappled fence rail, and watched in faint puzzlement as Kakashi hauled Ryouma out onto the field, bullied him through a fast warm-up, and proceeded to hound him viciously around the field, sparring him repeatedly into the dirt.

Sitting on the railing, Katsuko cheered sleepily.

Raidou leaned sideways and muttered to Genma, “Hatake seem a little extra peppy to you?”

Genma didn’t quite meet his eyes. “He seems to have developed a real enthusiasm for sparring of late. Showed up at my door last night with his face out to here.” He brushed two fingers across his left cheek, indicating a pretty sizable ouch.

“I’m not sure which part of that made the least sense,” Raidou said. “He came to your door?”

“Yeah. I was as surprised as you are.” Genma propped his chin on his hands; he was standing behind the fence, leaning slightly over it. Compared to Katsuko’s half-lidded slouch, he looked almost lively. “He came to tell me— Ah, shit, this is probably still not common knowledge. He came to deliver some amazingly good news he had access to because of his relationship with the Hokage.”

That—could be any number of things, but going by the faint curve of Genma’s mouth behind the silver senbon, Raidou had a pretty good guess.

He flicked two ANBU-signs. Teammate followed by home safe?, ending in a curl-fingered question.

Genma’s smile spread, actually showing a flash of white teeth, and his fingers tapped against his arm: Looks safe. That wasn’t quite as definite as all clear, but hopeful. “Yeah,” he said quietly. “I was shocked as hell Kakashi actually came to tell me. He wasn’t under orders or anything. It was a spontaneous act.”

Raidou didn’t even know what to do with that. )
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