ANBU Legacy - September 18th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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September 18th, 2013

Teeth in the Dark [Sep. 18th, 2013|10:14 pm]


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[Takes place Yondaime Year 5, April 28, the day after Into the Breach]

Katsuko slept long and deep, and didn’t dream. Her bunshin woke her before dawn, silent sentries in gleaming armor. They faded back to guard the perimeter as Katsuko struggled out of her bedroll.

Genma was already awake and in uniform, poring over the maps by the light of a glowstick. His mask hung at his belt. He glanced at her and nodded, freshly shaven and much more alert than anyone had any right to be at four in the morning. Katsuko gave him a dead-eyed look and a tired attempt at a salute.

Raidou was up and moving, running through kata because both he and the lieutenant were morning people. It was like a disease.

Ryouma, reassuringly, was still asleep, sprawled across his blankets like an ad for skintight tanktops. Katsuko magnanimously decided to leave him be. People who didn’t willingly wake up before the roosters had to stick together.

Kakashi was a blanket-covered lump on the ground. As she watched, he shifted to pull the covers up higher over his head. Conscious, and apparently hating every moment of it. Maybe he and Ryouma could form a club with her, if he and Ryouma didn’t strangle each other first.

“I hate everything,” Katsuko croaked, by way of greeting.

“Exercise will help!” said Raidou, because his soul was one of the things he’d signed away before joining ANBU.

“I’ll help your face,” Katsuko muttered. “Into a tree.”

The extremely offensive level of cheer in Raidou’s voice increased. “That’d count. Five minutes, then I’m turfing everyone out of bed.”

“There’s no light,” Kakashi said. He sounded like Katsuko felt: mutinous, with a side of promised future stabbing.

Genma, because his sense of timing was precise and malicious, chose that moment to enter the conversation. "Since when do ninja need light in order to function? The first kanji in ANBU is ‘darkness’."

Katsuko shuffled over to Ryouma’s sleeping form and crouched down by his head. “Get up,” she said, and poked him in the shoulder. 'I need you to help me hide the lieutenant's body.' )
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