ANBU Legacy - July 6th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
ANBU Legacy

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July 6th, 2013

Dangerous Game [Jul. 6th, 2013|11:39 pm]


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[Takes place Yondaime Year 5, April 18, the day after Run, Rabbit, Run and Take Me Back to the Start.]

Ryouma woke in the dark hours after midnight to a blue and white mask bending over him and a hand on his throat.

"I moved the kunai under your pillow," a low alto voice said, very quietly.

His good hand was under his pillow already, long fingers flattening. No cold brush of steel, just a tiny slit in the bottom sheet where the blade must have snagged as she'd drawn it out. He drew a slow breath.

"You didn't trigger my wards," he said.

"I had a key." The hand left his throat. She straightened, slim and straight in ANBU black and bone. The mask caught the yellow spill of light from the streetlamp below the window; better lit, its fragmented blue accents still didn't resolve into any recognizable animal. Maybe the ANBU quartermaster wasn't much of a naturalist.

She said, 'Tousaki Ryouma, the Hokage requires your presence.' )
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