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[Oct. 18th, 2015|11:41 pm]

Katsuko brightened.

“Though it will take some time,” Megumi added.

Katsuko didn’t droop, but she considered it. Instead she sighed and propped her good elbow up forlornly on Kakashi’s shoulder. He gave her a look, but apparently her hangdog expression was too pathetic for even him to ignore, because he didn’t shrug her off.

“It’s alright, Megumi-sensei,” Katsuko said, trying her best to sound positive. The ANBU kodachi was an acceptable substitute for now; besides, she’d known even Megumi-sensei couldn’t instantly repair a blade shattered into as many pieces as Katsuko’s was. At least now Katsuko had confirmation it would be reforged.

Megumi’s expression was at once sympathetic and amused. “Luckily, I just finished a large commission this morning. I can start on your kodachi immediately.”

That was considerably more heartening. Katsuko removed herself from Kakashi’s shoulder before his patience ran out. “Thank you, sensei.”

Megumi nodded in acknowledgement and turned her attention to Kakashi. “May I see your tanto?”

He pulled it from his belt and slid it across the table, still in its wrapping. His focus, already sharp, narrowed down to the deft grace of Megumi’s hands while the swordsmith unwound strips of cloth and leather to expose the keen blade edge.

“Ah,” Megumi murmured, running her thumb down the flat of the blade. “My uncle wasn’t easily impressed, but he often spoke of the Hatake heirloom sword and its original makers— a husband and wife partnership, I believe. He regarded their craftsmanship as equal to his own master’s. It is a pity they and the rest of their blades were lost long ago.” She contemplated Kakashi’s tanto for another few moments before looking up. “My uncle recorded every detail of your blade while he was reforging the pieces, Hatake-san. I will use his notes to recreate the sheath as its original smiths crafted it.”

Katsuko watched out of the corner of her eye as Kakashi’s shoulders stiffened. His surprise only lasted for a flicker of a moment before he hid it, but he made no effort to conceal the sincerity in his voice when he said, "I appreciate your uncle's dedication. And yours. Thank you, Kokobushi-sensei."

Megumi’s mouth curved in a smile. “Thank you, Hatake-san, for bringing back some of my uncle’s work. I recognize the reforging technique he used. It reminds me of my apprentice days, learning at his side.” She rewrapped Kakashi’s tanto and set it beside Katsuko’s kodachi, studying the paired blades. “Katsuko-san, meanwhile, continues to test my skill. I do enjoy a good challenge.”
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