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Break it Down by the Numbers [Sep. 30th, 2015|06:24 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]hatake_kakashi
2015-10-01 01:50 am (UTC)


Since his congratulations-on-not-dying party had been entirely upstaged by Naruto sprouting his first chakra seeds, Kakashi spent most of the following day getting pampered to make up for it.

This took the form of 1) sleeping, 2) getting his head bounced on at 5am by a tiny miscreant desperate to feed him omurice I made myself, look Kakashi-niisan, Dad barely helped at all!, 3) sleeping again, and 4) when he could stand the excitement, brushing his teeth.

Rin had stayed the night in the second spare bedroom, but left before dawn to fix whatever disasters had befallen the hospital without her presence. Minato had stopped in sometime between teeth-brushing and mid-morning to inform Kakashi that Naruto was due at school, and Minato himself had a village to run, but Ogata the housekeeper would be around and—

“— she’s taken a liking to you, try not to ruin it.”

Kakashi said something like, “Mmm,” and returned to the soft pink embrace of sleep.

When he woke up again, it was because someone had put a mug of hot green tea by his bedside, and the room smelled like summer grass. This was so infinitely preferable to any previous method used by the hospital staff, that Kakashi simply lay and basked in the marvelousness of green tea for several minutes before it occurred to him that he could drink it.

A flicker of polite chakra alerted him to Ogata’s presence a moment before her shadow darkened the doorway. “I have lunch ready, if you feel able to get up. There’s also a messenger for you.”

“Mngh?” Kakashi said intelligently.

“I’ll tell her to wait,” Ogata said, and vanished again.

Verticality happened somehow. Kakashi carried his tea to the entranceway, where a chuunin-messenger was hovering by the front door with a kind of twanging nervousness that was almost audible. I’m in the Hokage’s hallway, her body language said. Those are the Hokage’s house slippers. She was not in any way reassured by Kakashi appearing barefoot in front of her, squinting past his bedhead.

“Message?” he rasped.

She scrambled to present him a scroll, offering it formally with both hands. He cracked the wax seal, read the Lieutenant’s neat handwriting, and frowned. One neuron fired enough to say: If the captain’s coming back, Minato would’ve said something.

So — regular meeting? Performance review? Something worse?

“Tell him I’ll be there,” he said.

The messenger nodded jerkily and turned to go, but stopped when Ogata said from the living room, “Where, Hatake-san?”

“ANBU thing,” Kakashi said, while the rest of his brain said: pants. A shirt would be good, too. He was still wearing yesterday’s jounin blues, creased with sleep-sweat and the enthusiastic ketchup stains Naruto had bestowed.

“At the HQ?” Ogata enquired, stepping into the hallway.

“That’s where they keep the ANBU,” Kakashi said.

“I was instructed that you’re supposed to rest. Hokage-sama was quite specific.” There was a brief, meaningful pause. “As was Nohara-sensei, per her note.”

Of course Rin had left a note.

Now I’m watching the Hokage’s actual housekeeper scold the Hokage’s actual student, said the messenger-chuunin’s face.

“I need to report to my lieutenant,” Kakashi said.

“Perhaps I can suggest an alternative,” Ogata said.