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[Oct. 1st, 2015|02:48 am]

Genma'd paused a few times to sip at his emptying glass of tea while he read — while he read everything, including section headers and arrow heads — but his voice was still hoarse by the time he finished. Ryouma shoved the pitcher of barley tea closer to him. Genma nodded his thanks, refilled his glass, and drained it without pausing for breath.

Ryouma watched his throat bob and tried to think of something coherent to say. "I think I'm more stable now," he managed, finally.

"I'm glad to hear it." Genma refilled his glass once more, then pushed the nearly empty pitcher back to Ryouma. "I'll be honest, Tousaki, you had me worried. I'd meant to check in with you on the run back to the rendezvous point, but Iebara's team blew that plan up like a box of exploding tags."

"Yeah, their timing sucked." For lack of anything else to do, Ryouma poured the last of the barley tea into his own glass, and then forced himself to drink it. He'd have preferred coffee.

"You did talk to me, afterward," he said. "You shared your stash of instant coffee with me. Mount Akan."

You're doing fine, Tousaki, Genma'd said.

"I did go see my friends," he said abruptly. "Hakone and Ayane. We didn't actually talk much, but it helped."

Genma looked pleased. "Good. That's good. That was a rough mission, especially for a rookie. Actually, both our missions so far have been rough. I'm afraid with you, Hatake, and Ueno all on the same team, there's no way we won't be getting a lot of the more violent missions."

Strike-force oriented squad, Ryouma remembered. High profile offensive missions. He nodded, and tried to swallow another sip of tea.

Genma picked up another senbei, but began to crumble it between his fingers instead of eating. "How are you sleeping?"

Ryouma hitched one shoulder up. "So-so." He'd had one too-short night of sleep in a crisp white hotel bed, with Ayane's scent surrounding him and the sweat drying on both their bodies. The last two nights, alone in the barracks, he'd kept the TV running on a low murmur until dawn.

"I've still got some nightmares," he admitted. "It's only been a week, though. Took longer than that for the dreams to stop after the Trials, and we haven't had the 4 a.m. wake-ups to tire me out. I've been working out on my own, though," he added hastily. "I'll be in even better condition when we're ready to head out again."

Frowning, Genma pulled out a pen and made a note on another sheet of paper. "Some missions you never stop having nightmares about. But if you're getting them more than a few times a month, that's cause for concern." He looked up. "I can give you an herbal supplement to try that might help you sleep more deeply. If it works, we can talk to Toushirou-sensei about making it part of your regular supplies." His lips twitched sideways; it took Ryouma a moment to realize it was the unconscious gesture of a man used to chewing on the senbon that was currently lying in the empty pickle dish beside him.

"There's also counseling available," Genma continued. "Or you can talk to me. I've been there, with the nightmares that wouldn't stop."
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