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Bottle of Smoke [Mar. 27th, 2015|10:19 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]shiranui_genma
2015-03-28 02:59 am (UTC)


They stopped by Kakashi’s room on the way out, but it was empty and the bed stripped. He’d been discharged that afternoon, according to a clerk at the nurse’s station. That seemed far too early given how debilitated Kakashi had been, and Genma almost demanded to see Kakashi’s chart as his lieutenant and team medic, but Asuma didn’t let him. If Kakashi’s doctors, including Nohara Rin-sensei herself, said Kakashi was well enough to recover at home, Genma was in no position to second-guess. Besides, he was off the clock, on medical leave himself.

Reluctantly, Genma agreed to let it go. He’d just have to check in on Kakashi at the dorms in the morning.

The way back to Aoba’s neighborhood was slow going, uphill and on crutches. By the time they arrived, Genma was sweaty, tired, and sore under the armpits. “Did Aoba say if there were groceries?” he asked Asuma, as they neared the convenience store on the corner of Aoba’s street. “Because if there aren’t any, maybe you could get some takeout while I grab a shower?”

“I was thinking takeout anyway,” Asuma said. He hefted the backpack holding Genma’s belongings and medications, which he’d insisted on carrying. At the moment, Genma was grateful. “Anything specific in mind, or just cheap ramen?”

“Tonkotsu ramen with extra pork,” Genma said. “And get some gyouza. I can eat a whole order on my own, so get two orders if you want some.” He took a deep breath, squaring his shoulders to tackle the last long hill climb and the stairs to Aoba’s apartment. It was amazing how much a little injury could take out of you.

Asuma gave him a questioning look.

“Maybe I’ll just wait here while you get the food, and we can go up the hill together,” Genma said. His nurse’s admonition to be careful in the shower suddenly seemed less mother-henning and more prudent advice.