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One Of My Kind [Feb. 20th, 2015|10:19 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]ueno_katsuko
2015-02-21 04:40 am (UTC)


Katsuko gave him the same suspicious look she reserved for all unexpected presents. “That’d be me.”

“We have you scheduled for a debriefing,” the Intel agent said. He had ink-black hair and pale eyes that revealed nothing. “I’ll need you to accompany me.”

Ryouma stiffened. "I thought she got debriefed already." He turned to Katsuko. "That's what Yuuhi pulled you away for in the hospital, wasn't it?"

Hakone turned those sharp eyes of his on the Intel agent, a thoughtful expression on his face.

“You mean Kurenai?” Katsuko gave Ryouma’s arm a reassuring squeeze. “She interviewed me, but it wasn’t a full report. They probably want more details.” She glanced over at the agent and went on the offensive with a brazen grin. “What’s your name, handsome?”

His expression didn’t flicker. “Hide Sakai.” Then his brow arched, infinitesimally. “You can call me ‘Hide-san’, Agent. Yuuhi’s told me about you.”

“Uh-oh,” she deadpanned. Kurenai wouldn’t give away her secrets. Still, it was a decent attempt to unbalance Katsuko before the actual debriefing began. Like a polite salute at the start of a duel; every time Hide made an actual expression she’d score a point.

She couldn’t wait.

“Don’t worry about me, kids,” Katsuko said, and rose to her feet. “Senpai’s off to the trenches. Play nice til I get back.”

"I'll be around," Ryouma said, pinning on a smile. "Promised I'd keep you company with your paperwork, after all. And we're bringing the lieutenant dinner tonight, remember?"

She patted him on the cheek in acknowledgment. Then she exchanged nods with Hakone and sauntered off, head held high. Hide watched her approach with an intensely neutral expression.

“Are you ready, Agent Ueno?”

“Me? Of course.” Katsuko gave him her best battlefield grin. “The question is: are you?”