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[Feb. 7th, 2015|06:37 am]

"One of them has his coloring," Kakashi told Tousaki, as if he'd guessed at the bitten-down question. He added awkwardly, "They looked like nice people."

"Dunno who'd trust you to assess nice," Tousaki said, but he looked a little cheered at the thought. "It stands to reason Taichou'd have good folks, though. You don't grow up like that on your own." He scuffed at the floor again, and sighed.

Kakashi gazed at him for a quiet moment, head tipped, grey eye contemplative. Not quite gentle, but — almost. His fingers rubbed softly over the pale blanket on his thigh. "What happened to your parents?"

And when, Kurenai thought, deeply unnerved, did you learn compassion?

"They died," Tousaki said flatly, and pushed to his feet. "Where'd they dump your gear? Anything need special cleaning?"

Kakashi hitched one shoulder up and accepted the subject change. "Uniform was shredded. I think the lieutenant took it. I need a new mask from the Quartermaster, if you're feeling brave." He paused. "And a new kodachi."

"I've got Genma's gear." Tousaki touched a scroll wedged deeply into his back pocket. He seemed relieved, though the tension lingered in his broad shoulders. "Forgot we sealed yours up already. No wonder sealing this bunch took so much chakra." He pivoted on his heel, tapping his thumb against his lip. "I've got to brace the QM for new masks anyway, for the lieutenant. And the captain," he added fiercely. "And new armor for pretty much everybody."

"Tell him I want something that protects against ballistic blood-needles next time," Kakashi said.

Tousaki snorted. "Good luck. The lieutenant asked for something that'd keep demons from gutting him, last time, and we got a whole lecture on how Morita-san's armor can't be improved. At least it's better than flak-vests."

He turned another slow circle, as if half the restlessness had drained out of him, but the remnants drove him on. "We're going clubbing with Katsuko when you're better," he announced abruptly.

Kurenai nearly dropped her pen again.

Kakashi blinked just once, in pure bafflement. "Because...this month hasn't been painful enough?"

"Because I promised her on that first mission, when I was all over demon slime and she was still hugging me to keep me warm," Tousaki said. "She told me I could be her wingman. And I owe you dinner, anyway. And you…" He kicked the edge of Kakashi's bed very lightly. "You owe her now, too."

Kakashi looked as if he were still trying to figure out how any of that connected to going clubbing. "What do I wear?"

Tousaki stood still. "You mean you'll—?" He caught himself, cleared his throat, shoved his hands in his pockets. "Nothing too fancy. Clean civvies, just jeans and a good jacket, if you've got 'em. Unless Katsuko wants to go to one of the really glam civilian nightclubs, in which case I guess we both go shopping."

Pillows crinkled. Kakashi's shoulders pressed up against the headboard in alarm. "If anything involves glitter, I'm withdrawing consent right now."

"No glitter," Tousaki agreed. "I'll let her know." He still didn't quite seem ready to believe his luck; he leaned against the bedside table, jigging one foot anxiously against the other. "It'll just be dinner and drinks, really. You don't have to— dance with anybody, if you don't want. We'll keep an eye out for you."

"Oh, this is going to be fun," Kakashi said, in a voice that plastered irony all over glitter-inspired fear. "I'll stand in a corner while you and Ueno glare at everyone. Are you sure you've thought this through?"

Tousaki smiled sweetly at him. "If Katsuko and me are there, what makes you think anyone'll be looking at you?"

Kurenai was starting to look forward to seeing this boy sprain his ego, too.
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