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[Feb. 7th, 2015|06:32 am]

Kurenai dropped her pen. Both the ANBU flinched at the clatter on the floor tiles; Tousaki's hand came out of his pocket. "Sorry," Kurenai said, stooping swiftly from her chair. She had to crouch, hampered by her pencil skirt. It kept her hands out of sight, under the bed, for nearly three and a half seconds.

More than long enough, for a genjutsu specialist.

Kakashi's Sharingan eye was bound behind bandage, his chakra-sense burnt out close to the root. Tousaki was the danger, here; no one made jounin without being more than competent in sensing and casting genjutsu, and he was paranoid already. Kurenai added her grandmother's special twist to invert the jutsu, masking even the slightest chakra flare, and straightened gracefully.

"Send a message if you think of anything else," she told Kakashi. "I won't turn my report in until early afternoon."

His eye flicked back to her in surprise; he'd been anticipating at least a small fight, she thought, but he wasn't about to object. "Fine," he said. He hitched a hand up to tap his sleeved tattoo. A salute, and a reminder: ANBU.

Kurenai nodded back, adjusting her clipboard in the crook of her arm. "Agent Tousaki," she said, and headed for the door.

She'd worried that Tousaki might try to open it for her, but the good looks didn't come with good manners, apparently; he straightened belatedly, but didn't step away from the wall. The door slid back half-closed in Kurenai's wake. The click of her heels faded away down the hall as the secondary layer of the genjutsu dissolved.

Soundless, scentless, invisible, Kurenai retreated into the far corner of the room, and watched Tousaki's shoulders sag with relief.

"Sorry," he said.

Kurenai blinked. Kakashi did, too, tipping his head back up to peer at Tousaki with his good eye. Tousaki made a rough, unfinished gesture towards the door. "Seemed like you were maybe friends. I didn't mean to break things up. I just— She's the one who debriefed Taichou and the lieutenant and Katsuko, that first night, and…" He trailed off, scowling at the floor.

"That figures." Kakashi drew his legs up, clearing a little room at the foot of the bed. Tousaki folded down like he belonged there, hands dropping gracelessly in his lap.

"Yuuhi mostly dislikes me," Kakashi said. "I hurt a friend of hers once, badly. Did she debrief you?"

Tousaki shook his head. "Brown-eyed girl called Riei." He paused, brow furrowing. "Same shade of lipstick, though." He shook that off. "What happened to the friend?"
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