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[Aug. 23rd, 2014|04:08 am]

Genma glanced at his med-kit, counting stocks in his head. If he could keep Kakashi and Katsuko on five cc doses of morphine every four hours—and the prisoner, damn her—and he he kept himself together with NSAIDs and willpower, and Raidou and Ryouma didn’t suddenly develop late-blooming crippling pain… He had enough doses for about twelve hours.


He held his empty bowl out and let Raidou ladle more stew in. “Do you remember if the med stocks here included any morphine?” he asked, keeping his voice casual. “And did any of you happen to sign any out for your med kits for this mission?” A non-medic ANBU could carry a single syrette on a mission as long as they returned it either unused or with a documented injury that had required it. Captains could carry up to three, with the same sign-out-and-document rules.

“Kakashi prepped our kits,” Ryouma said, waving his empty spoon in the direction of their stockpiled gear in the far corner of the room. “I can check—”

“S'got morphine,” Kakashi said. “Everyone's got morphine. Who forgets morphine on a mission?” In any other circumstances, the judgmental superiority in Kakashi’s voice would have grated, but just now Genma found it encouraging: Kakashi sounded almost normal.

Katsuko was too busy scouring the bottom of her bowl like a starving wolverine to look up, but she made an agreeing noise.

“Did you sign out one unit or three for taichou?” Genma asked.

“Three,” Kakashi said. He leaned the un-tufted side of his head against Ryouma's shoulder in a gesture that was probably nine-tenths weariness, but at least a little bit fond. Before Genma could get over his shock, Kakashi added, “But I stole an extra, because the captain likes to block things with his face.”

Raidou choked on his stew. “You stole—

“It was poorly guarded,” Kakashi said, as if that were unimpeachable justification.

Genma winced. “Who was on duty when you signed out meds?” he asked. “Do you have any idea how much trouble they’re probably in for their counts being off?” He put his own stew bowl down and went to rub his face, but broken nose and bandages and pain and dammit…

Kakashi raised his head from Ryouma’s shoulder. “But we need it,” he said simply.

“I know,” Genma said, groaning. “I could kiss you. Or kill you. I don’t know which.” He looked up at Raidou and found the same mix of horror and relief on his captain’s face. Seventy more ccs of morphine would get them all the way to rescue. Probably.

And Kakashi, and by extension Team Six, were going to be in so much trouble over that missing syrette, once they’d gotten the clerk in the medic’s office who’d ‘lost’ the syrette off the hook.

But still, with the 120 ccs of morphine for three patients, and a medical jutsu or two to keep everyone’s pain at bay and speed healing, they were probably safe. That was, all things considered, a profound relief
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