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[Apr. 23rd, 2014|05:08 am]

There was too much information to unpack in that explanation: what reason there might have been to put Asuma down as deceased, how quickly Kakashi got that information and from whom, whether his 'death' was public knowledge or not. Reiko hadn't said anything, nor her husband, but that meant little when Asuma spent the majority of his time either sleeping or at the hospital. Maybe that piece of information hadn't left top secret clearance. He could only hope.

One more thing he really didn't want to deal with right now.

Asuma looked down and away from Genma, uncomfortable with the sincerity in his eyes. That look that said he'd kick the ass of anyone who would slight Asuma's honor. An insistent doubt niggled at the back of his mind that he wasn't actually worth that loyalty.

"...thanks," he said finally, lost on what to say that wouldn't drag him further into that cesspit of memory, and drew one last time off his cigarette. The cherry glowed all the way down to the filter before he dropped it to smash beneath his heel. "Sorry to waste your incense."

Genma mirrored his movements, crushing his own butt underfoot, before slinging an arm around Asuma's neck. Asuma stooped obligingly.

"It wasn't a waste," Genma replied with more cheer than he ought to have, and used his superior position to drag Asuma over to the bench. "I'm crashing on Aoba's couch these days. His place isn't big enough for two sweaty dudes and the girls he brings home."

"Probably improved the smell, then," Asuma observed, and sat when given the opportunity. The bench had not yet warmed under the weak spring sun, pressing bars of cool concrete against his back and thighs. "Why are you at Aoba's?"

Genma sat beside him, shoulders and knees touching. "My place burned down," he replied with a shrug, blasé as only a ninja could be. "And before you blame me, I wasn't even home when it happened. It started in one of the other apartments in the building. Experimental exploding tags."

"That sucks." One of the perils of living in a city populated primarily with shinobi. The fact that apartment fires didn't happen more often was the real surprise. "Doesn’t get in the way of your team-building?"

"So far, not really." The hand on Genma's knee twitched, like he wanted another cigarette, but instead pulled a senbon out of a case in his pants pocket. Asuma hoped the one he picked to stick in his mouth wasn't poisoned this time. "Although if I don't find a place soon, I might end up back at barracks myself. Namiashi-taichou actually lives in the senior quarters where all the T&I guys live. Creepy if you ask me, but he seems fine."

"So Hatake and a guy living with the super spooks. That doesn't sound like a handful or anything. What about the other two?"

Genma gave a dry laugh at that. "Yeah, here's the funny thing: they're the steady ones on my team. There's Ueno—she's a kenjutsu user with some kind of redacted-to-hell-and-back file and an overpowered chakra system that gave me migraines for a week when I met her. She's got seals Minato-sama designed himself keeping her chakra from going supernova. Supposedly had her chakra system experimented on by enemy ninja when she was held captive as a genin. So she's a barrel of mental health. And the other rookie is that guy who made a name for himself at the end of the war rotting people's faces to slag."
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