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Diversionary Tactics [Mar. 4th, 2014|05:43 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]namiashi_raidou
2014-03-05 03:00 am (UTC)


“Already in the file.” Raidou skimmed the dark folder into Kakashi’s lap. “You can review the rest of that for me, too. I want two summarized plans of attack for each target by the time we leave tonight.”

The light of intellectual challenge flared in Kakashi’s grey eye, and Raidou tucked away a smile. That should be enough to keep Kakashi out of trouble while his teammates were occupied.

“Questions?” Raidou asked the room at large. “Comments? Not you, Ueno.”

Katsuko flopped full-length on the couch, head pillowed on Ryouma’s hip. “So long as I get to blow something up,” she said, with a knife-like smile. “Lots of things.”

Teeth clacked against metal as Genma chewed his senbon. “What intel do we already have? Are there blueprints for the buildings we need to infiltrate? Do we know what kind of resistance we’re expecting?”

Raidou dropped comfortably into his wheely desk chair, and finally took a sip of his tea. “Hatake?”

Kakashi had already cracked into the file like a kid ripping the ribbon from his—papery, murderous—birthday present. His eye tracked over the documents almost faster than Raidou could follow. “Basic intel, but recent. Family members, staff—do they want us to hit the staff?”

“Staff get a free pass, guards don’t,” Raidou said, hooking an arm across his chest to stretch his shoulder. The demon gouges still ached, even half-healed. If nothing else, the mission-nudge up the medic’s ladder would take care of that. In theory, natural healing was better for you long-term, but Raidou wasn’t putting much stock in worrying about arthritis. If it came to it, he’d do yoga.

Kakashi nodded once, and there was a quiet ripple of approval through the team. No one liked to murder a maid. “Target numbers, recently observed patterns—two day’s worth, but better than nothing. Blueprints…” Papers rustled. “Yes, for both homes.”

“Good,” said Genma. “Threats?”

“Team Three got hit by hired Iwa shinobi,” Kakashi said absently, which Raidou knew for a fact wasn’t in the file. Apparently the trick to unclamping Kakashi was to put information and a puzzle in front of him. Raidou made a note. “Iwa, Kumo, and Kiri are all potential issues for us. Mist most likely, since we’ll be on the coast…”

“They’ve had time to hire shinobi, if they sent a message to Kiri as soon as the coup failed,” Ryouma said, fingers tapping against his knee again. In thought this time, not stress. “No point in hiring from Iwa, they’d have to go all across Fire Country, and they’d never make it in time.” He frowned and looked up at the maps pinned on the far wall, dark eyes tracing the dotted trails between Cloud and Fire Country. “Just barely enough time to bring in shinobi from Kumo, if they came by ship from Nosappu Point. But there’s bad blood between Kumo and eastern Fire Country, since the war. Kiri’s more likely.”

That was almost word for word what Yondaime-sama’s advisors had said.

Kakashi glanced sideways, eyebrows raised in faint approval. “Exactly.”