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[Mar. 5th, 2014|01:57 am]

Genma surveyed his team, mentally ticking over the injuries they’d come limping home with. Katsuko’s major issue was her demon-bitten shoulder and snapped right clavicle, so range of motion, strength, and flexibility in her shoulders would be a good place to start.

Ryouma’s big ticket injury had been chakra drain. When Genma’d seen him two days ago Ryouma’d estimated he was back to 75%, so he was probably close to fully recovered today, but he’d need a sign-off from the ANBU medic before he could return to full duty. For now, Genma decided, they could work Ryouma’s legs—his right thigh had taken a deepish wound from one of the demon’s claws, and his left knee was unstable from an old injury. So some quads work and maybe balance assessment for him.

For Kakashi—there wasn’t a lot. He’d mostly come home with bruises and scrapes, a thin-stretched chakra reserve, and the one bite to his right arm. With his arms bare and gloveless in basic ANBU blacks, there was barely any sign of the healing bite wound—it was already a pink memory well hidden under this morning's scuffs and fresh bruises.

Katsuko looked up expectantly, vibrating a little like she was just waiting for Genma to unclip the leash. Ryouma stretched out his shoulders, flexing and cracking his knuckles as if he hadn’t just spent the last fifteen minutes working his limbs loose against Kakashi’s aggression. Even Kakashi looked impatient instead of bored.

“Assessments first,” Genma said. “Before we start, anyone having headaches, balance issues, or other fallout from head injury?” He wasn’t expecting any yesses, since they’d all seen the medics at least once since their return, but at least two of them had taken black-out blows on the mission. He had to ask.

Kakashi shook his head once, dismissing the very idea he could have any post-concussion issues, while Katsuko gave Genma a cheerful double thumbs up.

“No headaches for the last couple days,” said Ryouma, rubbing absently at the back of his head. “And I haven't had balance problems since the second day on the boat."

“Good,” Genma said. “In that case, Tousaki, squats. Stop if it’s painful and let me know. Ueno, I want to check your shoulder range of motion and strength.” He spread his own arms wide in imitation of the exercise he wanted from her. “Hatake, since you’re so full of energy, sprints while I work with these two.”

“Sprints are too easy,” Katsuko complained. “Make him run on his hands instead.”

“Wouldn’t that be better training for your shoulder?” Kakashi asked her.

Genma looked at him mildly. “That’s right, you had shoulder injuries, too. You can do some hand laps if the sprints are too dull.”

“If you make her think she’s right, lieutenant, she’s never going to stop,” Kakashi muttered as he moved off. “Enjoy your squats,” he added as he passed Ryouma.

Ryouma rewarded him with a sour nose-crinkle as he got into position to start his squats. His eyes followed Kakashi, who was already speeding a blurry line between the fences at either end of the training field.

“I’m pretty sure you’ll keep it up whether I encourage you or discourage you,” Genma told Katsuko. “But he did kind of have that coming.”

“You are my favorite lieutenant,” Katsuko said, dead serious. “Also, why is Kakashi actually talking to us instead of silently judging our life choices?”

“I’m just a lieutenant, it’s probably above my pay grade,” Genma told her.

She gave him a suspicious look, but let the subject drop.

He took the senbon out of his mouth and used it to pin the ends of his ponytail up in a loose knot at the back of his head, then held his palms up flat towards her at her shoulder height. “Hands against mine, arms straight, push as hard and as evenly as you can.”

He spared a glance at Ryouma while she got in position. He was alternating regular squats with far more energetic squat-thrusts and jump-squats.

“Squats means squats, Tousaki,” Genma called. “I’m trying to not blow out your bad knee, and I know you have some scarring on that right thigh that needs limbering up.”

Ryouma heaved an adolescent sigh. ”Boring.” But he obeyed, dropping into a rhythm of deep-kneed squats, slow and steady like he was performing katas.
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