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[Dec. 27th, 2013|06:08 am]

“Kakashi-niisan spent the night here! An' all day with me yesterday! An' the night before! We stayed at his place then, though. An' we met Tousaki-san and watched movies and ate everything. Then yesterday I skipped preschool and we trained for hours an' had a picnic on Shodai's head and skipped rocks an' went shoppin' an' niisan made dinner—” Naruto drew a deep breath, and finished triumphantly: “An' we watched Captain Seaweed until bedtime!”

Minato’s eyebrows completed the slow climb they’d begun around I skipped preschool. “Well, that sounds like quite a day.” He picked Naruto up, protecting everyone’s knees from the scrambling dance of small child excitement, and balanced him on a hip. “Why did you skip preschool? And where was Saya-san in all this?” He cocked his head, sniffing. “Actually, where is she now? It’s late for breakfast. Did she call in sick?”

“Niisan fired her,” Naruto said, demonstrating his usual habit of delivering news with the tact of a sledgehammer.

“Naruto set the kitchen on fire,” Kakashi returned.

Minato’s eyes lit up. “With chakra?” he asked eagerly. “I mean, no—Wait, let’s hear the full report.”

Kakashi tipped his head at Naruto.

Naruto looked at the floor. He fidgeted for a moment, kicking his heels and tugging the edge of Minato’s collar. “I was gonna run away and find you. So I had to make a battle plan but then I had to burn it on the stove. And there was lots of smoke and maybe some fire and Saya came and yelled a lot and called me a little devil so I went away and found niisan instead." Sadly, he added, "I don't have any chakra yet."

Minato’s expression did something extremely complicated.

“I had words with Saya-san,” Kakashi said, putting a slight edge on words. “And Sagara-san reassigned the afternoon ANBU guard.”

Naruto burst out, “I don’t like Wolf anyway! He tells scary stories.”

“He’s not the only one,” Minato muttered. “Naruto, where did you go to find Kakashi?”

Naruto didn’t have the skills yet to recognize an obvious trap. "I went all the way up the Monument—I said Hi to your face, Dad!—and then I went to the ANBU place an' I hid in a tree 'cause I didn't know where Kakashi lived. But he came by with Tousaki-san an' I jumped on him! An' then niisan took me home to his room, so now I know how to get there!"

Kakashi felt his mouth tilt wryly. “Welcome home,” he told Minato. “Don’t leave again.”
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