Wed, Jul. 23rd, 2008, 04:15 pm

Hey, babies! We've got like four new charries and the friend's button and all the character information has been revamped to exclude inactive players.



Tue, Jul. 22nd, 2008, 11:06 pm


I just thought I'd warn you guys that I'll be absent tomorrow. Because I won't be anywhere near a computer. There is a slim chance that I might be able to get online tomorrow night, but I can't make any promises. Anyway, my kids will be out and about.

Violet will be focusing on her schoolwork, as well as a bit of recreational reading. She needs lines desperately, so if anybody has some, just let me know. As for Evan, he will be drowning in shame and trying to keep his siblings — most notably, Christie — from wreaking havoc on Anathema. She is available for sort of encounter, so NPC at will. Her number one priority seems to be embarrassing Evan, so I'll make a list of embarrassing facts. Imogene will be lingering around the Shadow dormitories until sun down, probably listening to Jonathan play his cello a few rooms down. And, Ben? He'll be experimenting and staying close to Parker. Kind of like a puppy.

Want to make Evan miserable? )

Mon, Jul. 21st, 2008, 02:06 am

Life and I aren't getting along too great right now.
I'll probably be inactive.
Don't worry about me.

disco massacres
- Margaret (Amandine, Holden, Everett, and Echo)

Fri, Jul. 18th, 2008, 10:52 pm

I'll probably be going on a mini-hiatus.
Just got out of the hospital, Chelse is leaving soon, & all that jazz.
Joel may be giving me back the old computer which would be AWESOME.
But I just feel like shit right now.
Lily: It's up to Katie what happens with her.
Dorian, Piper, & Emily: It's a collective, do what you will.
I'm getting my phone turned on tomorrow.
If I don't like you, don't call me.
Luckily, I like the majority of you, so go for it.
Especially the people I'll end up missing & you know who you are.

-Andie [on Chelse's name. lmao]

Thu, Jul. 17th, 2008, 09:34 pm

Hey guys, it's Jess, sorry to be spamming your pages again, but I just finished an astonishingly tedious task. I finally compiled the list of students in each class, and made schedules, just for everyone's information. It's here. I literally spent my whole shift at work sorting this out and making it work. And I fixed the screwed up coding. Thank god, I was going to throw my laptop out the window.

Also, all I checked was if there were scheduling conflicts. Your kid may not have a full schedule. While I love you all, I was going to go crazy if I had to check that too. So please, check to see if your student has a full classload. I figure upperclassmen could conceivably have a free period, too, if you want that. Also, I worked it out so the teacher's don't have any scheduling conflicts either. (Though some of Su-Ling's classes aren't up there, and I took the liberty of assigning her to one. You'll need to straighten that out with the mods).

However, in the process, there were a number of conflicts that I couldn't resolve without knowing what classes you wanted your character to take. So, here they are: )

And those characters who still need schedules )

There may be more. Check me please!

Wed, Jul. 16th, 2008, 09:24 pm

Hey guys, its Jess. When I was driving around today, I got hit with an awesome idea for a secret. I'm the illegitimate daughter/son of the headmaster and I'm only going here because he feels like he has to let me go. Or something like that, I'll come up with better phrasing later.


Elisabeth Harnois/Taylor Momsen: Rich girl who's mother had an affair with the headmaster, and it ruined her marriage. She's now remarried to a man she hates simply for the money (which isn't as much as her first husband had) and hates her daughter.

Emma Stone/Kristen Kreuk: Quirky girl with an independent mother who originally wasn't going to let her daughter go to AP, except that her daughter really wanted to go. Quietly tries to excel to get the attention/affection of her father. Step-father who she doesn't like at all, complete with step-siblings.

Adam Brody: Jack of all trades sort of kid, has a strange lack of emotional connection, hates his father. Passionately. Fiercely protective of his mother and younger half-sister.

Let me know what you think about these character stems!
♥ Jess

Tue, Jul. 15th, 2008, 05:17 pm

Friend Malcolm's journal! I just realized that only 20 odd journals had friended his.


Tue, Jul. 15th, 2008, 06:56 pm

Since IJ went & killed itself all over our screens, I thought I'd help.
"New Tweak"

Sorry for the double posting, but I hated that scheme.
Made my font all weird.

Mon, Jul. 14th, 2008, 10:35 am

After a much longer hiatus than expected, I'm back. So, today, I'll be catching up on reading journals/seeing what's been going on. I'm glad to be back, I've missed you all! &I'm so sorry that it took me so long to be able to sign in.

♥ Jamie

Also, I have a new character that I got approved before going on my hiatus, so after I get Billie Jean alll squared away, I'll post another entry introducing her.

Sat, Jul. 12th, 2008, 11:00 am

Andie, Chelse, & Stevie win at life.
This is all.
Now Andie's gonna go get a Shmuffin.

Thu, Jul. 10th, 2008, 03:35 pm

Tomorrow night is the night. Well, technically, it will be early Saturday morning. But, no matter. Since I am not planning on staying online until the wee hours of the morning, I will post the atomic bomb-like thread tomorrow night sometime. The actual event takes place between 2:15ish and 2:35ish in the morning on Saturday. Just thought I'd warn you guys before I unleash my diabolical plot. Muwahahaha.


That is all.

Wed, Jul. 9th, 2008, 10:16 pm

Hey, sorry for kind of disappearing for a week or so there. We had a pain in the ass house guest and because of her I was feeling off and not exactly in the right mood to play which sucked because I basically shut myself in my room for a week so I didn't get extremely sick from stress. Well I am back now and going to be trying to become more active again, little sick at the moment but not too bad, well it could be worse, lets put it that way.

Well, just wanted to let you guys know that I am basically back from disappearing.


Wed, Jul. 9th, 2008, 07:40 pm
[info]conthebear: awaaaaards!!

Alright guys! So it's time for me to put up the awards for nominations! But I'm working on the list.

If you have an awesome category for either Player Awards, Character Awards, or Thread Awards, please let me know! I'll be on AIM, you can get me on either of my character screen names, my OOC AIM name, or comment here. AIM is probably good lol. If I don't get your suggestions by tonight, I'm just gonna put it up!

=] Thanks guys!

P.S. Apple Fritters and I are chatting, and I came up with another idea. Maybe a category of funny ones, like a few Most Likely to Run Around in their Underwear, Most Likely to Become Famous, Most Likely to become the next Chuck Palahniuk -- Appia came up with that one, I'm sure everyone else knew who he was but I didn't haha.

Tue, Jul. 8th, 2008, 09:55 am

Hey, it's Andie. I'm just too lazy to log into one of my characters.

I'm gonna have limited computer access over the next week, but I'll do the best I can to reply to things. I'm talking desperate measures. Be thankful.

Sat, Jul. 5th, 2008, 01:36 pm

Hey everyone, it's Jess with a new character. I'm really excited about Malcolm, because Hugh Laurie is an awesome PB.

So, he's a teacher here at Anathema (rather obviously, right?) and he teaches Lycanthropy III, US History/Government, World History, Integration. So, there's no way that your student could have gotten out of having him!

He's a hardass, and certainly doesn't play favorites. He's known for joking around and sorta picking on students, but not in a harassing sort of way. He takes his classes seriously and doesn't tolerate students who don't do their work. I see him as being well liked, too.

So, I figure he's got some favorites that he always picks on. Anyone want to offer their characters up for that? Or anything else with Malcolm?

Oh, and he tells his students at the beginning of the year to call him Mr. Kensington, but most end up calling him Malcolm or Mal by the end of the year.

Also, he's a were-puma.

Poke me on writerchick99 if you want to chat or plot.

Thu, Jul. 3rd, 2008, 05:41 pm

Hey kids, its Jess. So, as some of you might know, Imogene is going to be harassing Lilith via AIM (and already has), so I thought it might be cool to have everybody look for freaky images. Between all of us, we should get a pretty good range and really manage to flip Lilith out.

Just comment here with links. Go wild!

Tue, Jul. 1st, 2008, 11:37 pm

Just FYI I'll be disappearing off the face of the planet on Thursday Night, EST, and I'll be back sometime on Saturday. I'll have access when I get to my Boi's place, but I dont see him but once a month so Thursday night I'll be picking him up from Dialysis then sleeping, working all day. and since Friday is July 4th I'll be hiding. (really... ask if you REALLY want to know but it's my LEAST favorite holiday for a ... BIG reason.. Anthony. You know.) and being dragged out to a BBQ from the boi. So i'll be on as i Can but .. don't expect miracles from the spazoid Allie.

oh yeah. PARDON ME. I'm on a diet of Protein Shakes since i cant get more than a little bit of food in me at once (1000-5000 calories a week is BAD, btw, and thats what im getting) and without the ability to EXERCISE (one more week) I'm kind of stuck with a HUGE amount of energy. WEEE..

Heh. Sorry.

Just wanted to apologize for being slow.

- Allie
{Mischa the Perfectionist Vampire}
{Trinity the Edgy Were-Leopard!}

Tue, Jul. 1st, 2008, 01:25 am
[info]fuel_4_the_fire: Question about Vampires in this game I would like to know the answer to.

Ok, this is something I am unsure about if it is true for the game or not. In the general lore about vampires I know they are warmest after just having fed, from the warm blood that is in their system after feeding, and their bodies cool down to below normal as the blood cools down in their system so they have a tendency unless they have just fed to be cool to the touch of a human. Is that true in this game or is it not being used? Does anybody know for sure?

Sun, Jun. 29th, 2008, 12:16 am

So for the next two days I won't be on much.
I work from noon 'til six tomorrow.
Then at seven my sugar daddy [who is Katie] is coming to get me & I'll be gone until Monday.
lmao. "sugar daddy".
Monday I work from five 'til midnight, but I don't know what time he plans to bring me home.

So, you can basically do whatever you want with these guys.
I mean stuff along the lines of "Emily and I went stair sledding today."
Not so much stuff like "I stabbed Dorian." 'cause that's just weird.
So do what you will with Dorian, Lily, Emily, & Andru, just let me know if it's anything epic.

[EDIT:] Minus Lily from all that.
"Umm basically? Connor and Lily spent a lot of time together and hopefully had sex. Lots of it. Just 'cause."

Sat, Jun. 28th, 2008, 08:27 pm

Sooooo like 10000000000000 people have joined since I started my hiatus. So I thought I might catch up a little bit while I'm home for a couple days. Sooo yay, new people say hi to me. I'm Sara, my babies are.

Sandra Grant-Witch, has premonition dreams. (It freaks her out) She just broke up with her boyfriend who she was madly in like with because he went crazy (Brendan.) Apparently she got roommates while I was away sooooo she might want to know how to get along with them.

Jenn-Soph. Were-ocelot. Really hyper, boy crazy. Dakota and Connor are totally like her big brothers.

Yeah, so that's it.

skipped back 20