Friday, August 23rd, 2013

RP: Acquainted with the Night

Who: Jon Snow and Robb McLellan
When: 23 August 2013; sunset
Where: Outside patio at House Baratheon, Los Angeles, Ca.
Status: Complete
Word Count: 7,581

Us. Me and him. Jon and Robb. )
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Tuesday, July 30th, 2013

RP: So Close No Matter How Far

Who: Robb McLellan and Jon Snow
When: 30 July 2013
Where: The Denim Design Lab, San Clemente, Ca.
Dream Location: Winterfell in The North, Westeros; then Craster's Keep, north of the Wall.
Status: Complete
Word Count: 6,763

Unhappy with anything less than a seal skin suit measure of tightness, Jon fussed with the waistband. )
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Saturday, July 27th, 2013

Time Ticks By, Nothing Changes

Who: Jon Snow
When: 26 July 2013
Where: A hotel in London, England
Dream Location: Winterfell, the North, Westeros
Status: Complete
Word Count: 721

1:30 am... 1:56 am... 2:22 am... 3:00 am. )
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Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

Miles High And Going Nowhere

Who: Jon Snow
When: 24 July 2013
Where: Virgin Atlantic International Flight, LAX to LHR
Dream Location: The kingsroad in the North, Westeros
Status: Complete
Word Count: 1,159

It is good, then, that I am not a wolf. )
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