Ampfe - Femmeslash Emporium!'s Journal
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Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

    Time Event
    Who: Jessica Runcorn, Penny Quirke, Orla Quirke and Megan Jones.
    What: Presents for Orla!
    When: February 6th, Saturday. 10:00am
    Where: Jessica's London flat.
    Rating: PG

    Unlike the last weekend, Penny was ready for Jessica's arrival hours before she was due at the house. Orla's packages were nearly wrapped and bagged up so they could be brought with them easily. Penny had been showered and dressed for hours.

    It had likely been so easy to dress because they were going to a wizarding village so Penny dressed in a manner she usually did. She wore a robe of white velvet and wool with gold satin accents at the hems and cuffs. She had matching mittens and a hat since it was quite cold in Scotland in February.

    Finny, picking up on her mistress anxiousness, waited dutifully nearby waiting for Jessica to arrive. She had already made an Irish Coffee for Penny but was ready to serve her in whatever way was needed.

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