May 30th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hey kids! This is Izzy, and she's going to be a 23-year-old personal assistant.

I need basically everything for her. I do have a possible romantic line going in, but for the sake of keeping thing organic, flirtations and other possibilities are more than welcome.



[No Subject]

This is Jett. His bio is here and I would love some lines for him. His boyfriend is coming in, so I need anything but that! He has a step brother and a step sister as well as a step dad and his mom in his life so I would love his step siblings if possible, he has a father who is alive but his dad was a prick and his mom left him when Jett was young but it would be interesting to see him in play. He's from Leesburg, GA and only recently moved to Joplin in the off season.