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[July 23]

Hiiii! This is Sabrina bringing in her third character... Miles McFarlane.

Miles is a typical boy in a lot of aspects. He loves goofing around with his friends. Eaaatiiing. And he really loves sports. Quidditch is pretty much his life so seriously do not get him started on it. Miles isn't the most outgoing or shy person you'll ever meet. Not much for randomly walking up to strangers but he won't run away screaming when approached. He's just a normal guy. He can find the good in almost anyone and lives to tease people. He relies on sarcasm and jokes whenever he's feeling awkward. Miles can be like an overgrown puppy at time, sweet, eager and has no real sense of boundaries when it comes to his personal space or anyone else’s. Personal bubbles just don’t exist to him, he pops them like bubble wrap. Miles makes it easy to like him but he probably isn't everyone's cup of tea. He's just really easy going, good at listening, maybe a little too in touch with his feelings and other peoples.

So that's mostly it. Obviously there's more in his bio thing if anyone wants/needs to know more. So yeah. He needs EVERYTHING.

[July 20]

Hi guys!

Brit again and I am bringing you Naomi Goldstein!

Naomi Goldstein doesn’t ever want to grow up but unfortunately she’s more childlike rather than childish (though she can still have callow moments) and has a bunch of maternal tendencies… never mind the fact that most people in the game are older than her, she’ll still dote on them. She’s the overexcited soccer mom, your biggest fan and cheerleader, and she’s a pusher: YOU CAN DO IT. Seriously, all she is missing are her pom-poms. She loves telling stories and gossip. Often you can find her surrounded by younger years telling one story or another and she’s particularly obsessed with fairy tales and historical events that she totally embellishes. The same with gossip, tell her something and it comes out ten times more exciting than it actually was once she shares it. She hates rude obnoxious cynics they make her :\ and want to beat them with sunshine and rainbows and butterflies but she won’t be too offended if they tell her to skive off because she understands not everyone can handle her level of enthusiasm. She’s also an insecure prude, so if you’re male she just wants to be friends and any romantic hints will make her go o_O.

More can be found here because I'm shit at intro's.


Also, she loves her quidditch team to death of which there is currently only one member, so I am encouraging people to app more Ravenclaw Quidditch characters. You will get goodie bags every single time there's a match.

[July 18]

Eep! Sorry I've been scarce lately! I'm leaving to go on vacation this Saturday and should be back by the 28'th. I'm putting this up now because I won't be ~around~ that much before I actually leave. If any of you need to get in touch with me about anything really important, you can let Kenzie know and she can pass on the message (if this is okay with her)! See you soon~

[July 14]

Hello! This is Megan with numero four-o (I… do not speak Spanish) and hopefully the last at least for a little while. ANYWAYS, I'm bringing in Kevin Hunter, younger brother of Gabriel Hunter. He's a sixth year Hufflepuff, a prefect, and a pretty big dick. He'd say he has a pretty big dick, but he really just is one. But, fortunately for the student body, his prefect appointment made it possible for him to not be a complete asshole at all times. Like, for instance, when he's wearing his badge.

If he's wearing his badge or acting as a prefect, he'll help whoever asks. Mostly by actually helping them, rather than screwing them over. Unless he really just can't stand you. So, let's see -- he's a pretty biased prefect. He tends to treat people differently based on how he feels about them, but it's not really a confirmed fact? Because he's not going to treat you any differently (ie, letting you off easy) if you're going to brag about it later and kill his prefect reputation. BUT yes, he's willing to help when it comes to prefect related things. If you ask him as a prefect, all is well. If you start asking him things like a friend would, he might just tell you to fuck off. Without the curse word, perhaps.

He's a dick. Like -- even if you're friends with him, there's still a damned good chance he's going to be a dick to you. At least some of the time. Because it's in his nature to treat things like tears and insecurities harshly. He doesn't really see the point in babying someone about how they should be active or telling someone they're not a complete failure at something when really, they are. But, on the upside, he's loyal as all hell. He's a Hufflepuff for a reason, right? Once he's got your back, he's always got your back. The better friends you are with him, the less likely it is that he's ever going to give up on your friendship. He's pretty willing to do whatever an actual friend needs of him, regardless of what it is (assuming it isn't something that is stupid and unnecessary in the first place) and generally as quickly as they need it done.

OKAY, so! Kevin's going to need friends, best friends, enemies, exes/ex-fuck buddies/current fuck buddies of either gender.

[July 11]

Hello all! Tis Brit here with Dylan Duke!

This is going to be short and sweet because Dylan is not a complex person in the least. Aside from being someone you would know of due to famous roots re: his dad, aunt, grandma, that is probably not the first thing after the last six years of him being here that would be remarked upon when hearing Dylan Duke. If anything it’s his insatiable appetite. Literally, that boy is always eating something or he’s always hungry. If he wants to celebrate he eats, when he mopes he eats, when he’s angry he eats, his metabolism is going to give up on him one day and he’ll get fat but today is not that day. On top of that he tends to like girls he knows he can’t get but he’s not one of those people who it’s all about the chase for him because really it’s more like he doesn’t like sharing something he personally wants, if that makes sense. He’s also a chubby chaser, bring on the jokes, he has heard them all. Um… yeah, he really is just a typical teenage boy in every sense of the word. He was raised primarily in the muggle world because his mom is muggle and Professor at Oxford and his dad owns a pub. He obviously knew about magic but his extent of the magical realm pre: Hogwarts was hanging out with the offspring of his dad’s fellow band mates. He’s friendly enough but like a sarcastic friendly? And he tends to get along better with people younger than him rather than older than him whether or not that’s because guys are mentally younger anyway or that’s just the way I wrote him. I don’t know, it just happens to work out that way. Okay, now I’m done.

He needs anything and everything, seriously, no limitations here. Okay, well one limitation because he is heterosexual, so no boyfriends. :\ Sorry. BROMANCES THOUGH? Y/Y?

P.S. I'm still saving icons because I'm on my brother's laptop & not my own because he was stupid and didn't ask the tech guy for the password for me to be able to use his wifi. /rant.

[July 09]

HELLO! This is Alexis with her sixth, Rosaline Parker.

She's a 5'th year Hufflepuff and is pretty much crazy. She's a bundle of adventure, excitement, and bitchiness just waiting to explode. Parker is just as effervescent as she is bratty, just as charming as she is argumentative. Her moods can change with the flip of a switch and she can go from being the most outgoing to the most reclusive and unpleasant person. Despite that, she tends to be the type of person people flock around just because she's so much fun. She'll be the girl who is leading the majority of the fifth year on some pranking spree just because she got bored, who is face-painting out on the grounds because she stole paint from her dormmates, and who is giving dramatic readings of some disgustingly erotic romance novel. She's got a big heart but she can turn into a sullen bitch in less than .2 seconds. She loves, loves, LOVES taking photographs though she's never going to call herself a photographer. Mostly she just likes getting in your face. Uh, she's a chaser on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.

She's going to need a best friend, some friends, some enemies, some exes, some hookups. For ex-boyfriends, I have a feeling she's physically incapable of not cheating on them? So, there's that.

[July 05]



[July 04]

HELLO. This is Megan with my thirdddd character, Abigail Bolton. Fifth year Slytherin.

Abigail is a major perfectionist. If her grades aren't perfect, she's liable to get incredibly stressed and study even more to bring it up to an O. Because anything less than an O is, like, the most awful thing ever. She's extremely structured about -- everything. Spontaneous isn't even a word in her vocabulary. She can come off as icy due to the fact that she's rather shy and her conversations never really veer towards the warm and fuzzy side. She's in plenty of clubs, adores ballet, and -- she has massive issues with muggles and muggles knowing anything about the wizarding world and supports the Statute of Secrecy like woah, 'cause her daddy couldn't handle the magic shit. And her new daddy doesn't know anything about it, 'cause her mom was like eff that, we're not telling him.

So, yes. Not a drinker, not a smoker, eats healthy as fuck with the exception of like -- sweets, occasionally. Tends to be stressed out a lot. High-strung. All that good shit. ANNND shall need best friends/friends/enemies/etc.

[June 29]

HELLO! This is Megan with my second character. I'm going to post an intro all quick like before I go off to work, so my apologies if it ends up rushed. >.>

Moxie Wagtail is a sixth year Ravenclaw. She's a generally relaxed and chill person, with a hardcore love of joking around and fucking with people. The type of person that the joke of "there's a spider!" when you're afraid of spiders never gets old to. It's all goodnatured joking, unless she doesn't actually like you, but she's never too fussed about it when someone doesn't take her joke well. After all, it's just a joke! She's got a pretty lax idea of the rules -- if it's not going to hurt someone, then she doesn't see the point in following it. Not getting caught is one of her main priorities when breaking the rules, but upon being caught she shrugs it off and accepts her punishment without bitching. She splits most of her time between studying, getting caught up in this book and that, and getting into trouble (with various degrees of being given detention for it).

ANYWAYS. Friends, best friends, exes, enemies, whatever! All plotlines are appreciated.

[June 26]

Hey, so, forewarning! My state's pretty much on fire. I'm about fifteen miles from the Colorado Springs fire and while I'm not evacuating currently, there's a decent chance that I may disappear due to those reasons at some point in the near future. Fingers crossed they get that shit under control and I don't have to, but if I do end up hiatusing for that reason, I probably won't have the chance to inform anyone about it beforehand.

Pray for rain, if you believe in prayer. ^^

(And I'm not really guessing that I will end up having to, but -- just in case.)

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