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The Shape of Things to Come: OOC



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posted on the 14th of September @ 4:16pm



Hey everybody! I'm Lynn, and I'm bringing everyone favourite oh-god-so-krzy Barty Crouch Jr! I'll, uh, introduce myself first, then him. I'm 18 (19 on october 21st REMEMBER THAT), live in Southern Ontario (which is EST btw), and I have a pet squirrel. Suck it, bitches. I like long walks on the beach and ancient history, and listen to a lot of totally random brit-indy music with no excuse. I'm friendly and love inter-personal communication, so feel free to hit me up on aim at have a rook if you're bored!

On to the good stuff that you all want to know, then. Barty. His first character trait is LOL DADDY ISSUES. Freud would have a field-day with this boy, seriously. Papa Crouch was never around enough in his formative years (or right now), but still likes to control his life to the greatest degree he can, from what Barty's going to have to dinner to whether or not he's allowed to wear boxers or briefs. He's never gotten out of the 14-year old phrase of OMG I HATE U I DON'T GUNNA DO WUT U WANT! only he does have to do it, so he's just a lot of pent up resentment and hatred for the old guy, who's blissfully ignorant of pretty much everything Barty does while Sr is busy trying to become Minister of Magic. He's the head of the Magical Law Enforcement department of the Ministry, so he totally just pulled some lines to make Barty an auror (even though he doesn't really want to be), and now Barty's way ahead of everyone else in the training due to good old fashioned nepotism. He's also, uh, a death eater. Voldemort was his surrogate!daddy and his particular brand of loyalty is lol!scary in intensity. Uhh what else. He's actually kinda friendly and likes knowing people, although he tends to kinda be pretty misanthropic on the inside and just not let anybody know. UH AM I MISSING ANYTHING? A big long list is on his profile, here.

Hit me up with backstory, dammit. He was the same year as the Marauders, Slytherin.

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