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The Shape of Things to Come: OOC

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[20 Sep 2008|02:24pm]
I'm Kels, and I'll be bringing you Frank Longbottom.

About me:
I live in Baltimore, which slogans on park benches claim is "The Greatest City in America." (fun fact- they used to say "The City That Reads", until they realized B-more had one of the highest illiteracy rates in the country. Yay Charm City.) Anyway, that's neither here nor there, I for one do read, and I even RP. This is my first time in a MWPP-era game. Occasionally I have to go to class, but I have those random amounts of free time that come from being a college student.

About Frank:
He's totally committed to the Order. At the moment he's in the last stages of Auror training, so he's trying to balance classes with occasionally being out in the field with Order business. All of this, of course, keeps Frank incredibly busy, but its also made him very good at what he does. He prefers battles where everything is in the open and the lines are clearly drawn; he's much more uncomfortable with shades of gray and secret plots, and he hates spies above all else. He has an almost fanboy-ish devotion to Alastor Moody. Some might say Frank is *too* focused, that he doesn't know how to put business aside and have a good time, but if you know how to talk to him (or if you happen to be Alice) you can usually get him to lighten up.

You can catch me at magical kels for backstory and relationships, or if you're just bored. Frank would definitely know Order members, Gryffindor alum, and other people at the Ministry.
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[20 Sep 2008|05:09pm]
yo. This me Lynn (again), and i'm in ur comm, stealin ur chars. You may remember me from such epic roles as Barty Jr, and now I bring you the wonder which is Mundungus Fletcher. Fuck yes.

He's, well, pretty much exactly what you'd expect. He wants to steal all your shit and then sell it back to you for exorbitant prices. He deals in black magic heirlooms (lol he 'works' for borgin and burkes on the side but nobody admits it and everyone's happy), general illicit narcotics, and pretty much anything that's not nailed down on the floor. The greatest fear in his life is being caught by The Man, cause he's ~too pretty to go to jail please you don't know what they do to you in there, man, i've heard stories~. He's a total junkie and a horrible person and is known to give people roofies and then they wake up in a tub full of ice and a pain in their side and a note saying to call 911. Dung's a muggleborn in most people's eyes; his mother was a squib who married a muggle, and he's got two sisters who are also squibs. One's a gold-digger whore and one is like 15 and in a prestigious acting school in london and is the only one the family ever talks about. What elseeee. He's illegally swatting in a burnt-out apartment building in muggle London, and isn't at all booksmart. In school he got 2 O.W.L.s-- both A's. And that's... yeah, that's all he got. He's all GRR ANARCHY IS AWESOME >C and everyone kinda rolls their eyes and are like, ya whatev at him because he's usually pretty harmless. He tried to cause a lot of controversy in school by not coming back for his seventh year, but everyone kinda expected it so not much happened. His pastimes include swearing, drinking, and snorting coke off hookers' asses.

This is the guy who, in canon, tries to defraud insurance funds after sleeping under his coat propped on sticks at the quidditch cup, follows up by stealing a dead dude's stuff to sell on the street, totally bails when death eaters show up so he doesn't get teh killed (but moody does! Good teamwork skills, Dung!), and finally is imprisoned for 'impersonating an inferius during a burglary'. He's a coward and a sneak and totally part of the order anyway. 'Cause he don't wanna die, guys. :C Basically they keep him around because he hangs out in all the unsavoury places where Top Secret Plans are discussed and he doesn't look out of place like all the other wholesome goody-goody order members do.

also; that pipe molly bitches about? totally full of pot. Moar info on his journal.

BACKSTORY PLZ? ORDER MEMBERS, HOW MUCH DO YOU HATE HIM? he's a year under the marauders, and spent his schooldays giving hufflepuffs a bad name, hellz yeah.
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