Alter Ego Icons' Journal

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Saturday, June 20th, 2009
2:58p - [Aquaman] Justin Hartley (42)

I am very sad this show never got to see the light of day. I bought the pilot and enjoyed it immensely. I also play him and needed icons of Justin Hartley that weren't, you know, of Oliver Queen. So 41 icons of Justin Hartley as Arthur Curry (plus a random one of his boat).

I may be nothing to you, but I am a king beneath the sea. )

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3:02p - Terese Pagh Teglgaard [26]

This woman is just absolutely beautiful. I adore her. Another 'I use her, I need icons' sort of thing.

But say I was the stranger that knew too much. )

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3:07p - Caleb Mayo [25]

A request for a friend. Because we all need some pretty redheads in our life.

In my head there is a greyhound station; )

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3:15p - Icon Directory

Icon Directory )

- I do take suggestions, which will most likely get made, though no promises. If you'd like to suggest someone, please post here! I especially like to do PBs that are not often iconned.

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