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Alphane Moon

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Little Brother [01 Jul 2008|11:10pm]

I finished Little Brother (Cory Doctorow)-- enjoyed it very much, and, oh yes, I learned a lot! No, I didn't quite think it was earth-shattering; also fear that it's so filled with up-to-the-minute details that it will be dated before its time. And truthfully, the older you get, the less inspired you are by the idea of bratty kids saving the world...
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[26 Jun 2008|12:51am]

Well, science fiction season is well underway and I haven't started reading anything yet. But I'm just about to begin Little Brother by Cory Doctorow...
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[21 Jun 2008|02:15am]

Friends, it's just born. If you happen by and have any interest, leave a comment... more soon.
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