Alphane Moon's Journal
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Sunday, July 26th, 2009

    Time Event
    Woohooo!!! We've been watching The Jetsons, which comes on free On Demand-- free for $78.00 a month. It was hidden away in some kids category, which is totally idiotic, as kids would have absolutely no reference points for anything besides the slapstick. *sigh* I want my flying car.
    keep looking up
    If I haven't been pushing Heavens Above here, I've been remiss; I've been using this site for a decade or more, since they had a long, complex, German-sounding address that I knew by heart.

    The space station is so bright now! and the the last couple of nights it's been flying around the brightest summer stars, so no effort involved in figuring out where it's going to be. And I'm still hoping to catch that toolbag!

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