Alphane Moon's Journal
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Wednesday, February 18th, 2009

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    lost world
    So, tonight I was watching a rerun of the NOVA episode on Titan, and I was remembering the feeling I got when I first saw the Titan surface images. Amazed; excited; disappointed... a little. Because it was another red, poisonous world, and as cool as it was, we wouldn't be walking around there anytime soon.

    They were talking about how you could melt lead on the sidewalk on Venus, and it's been awhile, but Venus was stolen from our imaginations too. Well, not completely, of course, but you have a whole different starting place once you know the surface temperature is 800° and the pressure would crush a tank. I was just feeling that regret a couple of weeks ago as I was watching the Creepy KOFY Movie and they were showing some horrible film whose name I've already forgotten-- was it "Planet of Prehistoric Women"? about a manned expedition to Venus, including a robot named John (who died, unfortunately); and Venus of course was inhabited entirely by blonde girls in bikinis, but it was the old Venus, the water planet, the tropical paradise, like in C.S. Lewis' Perelandra...

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