Alphane Moon's Journal
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Thursday, January 15th, 2009

    Time Event
    a giant telepathic network of brains
    Now that I've actually had online friends for a year, instead of happily typing away into the void (as was previously my custom) I've noticed that people occasionally disappear, without notice or explanation. And a voice you were used to hearing, and responding to, is suddenly silent...

    So this reminds me of one of the favorite stories of my youth, which I read over and over again: "Rebirth." I think it's also been published under the title "The Chrysalids." IN A WORLD GONE MAD, after devastating nuclear war, there are just a few people left, in Labrador *shudder*. And of course, every fourth or fifth person born is a...hmmm...MUTANT-- but the society has their own horrible ways of dealing with that. But a few people are born telepathic mutants, so nobody really knows about them... until later. But the telepathic kids talk to each other in their heads all the time, though they don't, for the most part, know each other's actual physical identities. And every once in awhile, someone goes silent, and they never know what happened until they hear of some kind of ghastly thresher accident, or something, on a neighboring farm...

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